My Teaching Philosophy

    My teaching philosophy is that every child is talented in one area or another and it is the teacher's responsibility to bring out that talent in each individual.  For example, say a student has an amazing skill in being able to pronounce letters.  The teacher should then jump on the opportunity to help that child strengthen there pronunciation skills and show them that they have a talent in that area of academics.  This in turn boosts the confidence of the child and then they go on to help other students in the classroom by using their talent.  If the teacher is able to help each student find their special talent, then the students can in return use their skills to help others in the class along with building a strong foundation of confidence.

   Another teaching philosophy of mine is that learning should be fun, no matter what the subject being taught it.  If students enjoy school and the things that they are learning, then they want to learn more and teach others outside of their classroom.  Little children love to share what they learn and if they love what they are learning, then they are helping others to love school and teaches others at the same time.

    All in all, I believe that each student teaches each other student by sharing things that they have learned or by helping others to learn things that they don't understand.  Sometimes having a fellow student explain something doesn't put as much pressure on the individual and they don't feel bad about themselves and it keeps their confidence up.  Building a student's confidence at such a young age is the most important skill in    beginning a strong educational foundation for the challenging years to  come.