





There is only one who came down from his throne to redeem that which had gone astray.
I have been saved for approximately three years now, and everything in my life has completely changed. I am a newborn Christian, and most of my life is now spent doing what the Lord Jesus Christ has called his people to do. As a Christian, I evangelize those who are lost, pray with those who are in despair, glorify my God in every way possible, and love those who are most in need of it.

Believe in Jesus Christ!!!
This is what I do:
I entrust my life to him. This not only means that I believe that I will go to heaven when I die, but that my life here on Earth is also lived according to his will. I never thought that a major in Education was what I was destined to do, however the Lord changed all of that.
Thanks to continous prayer I have finally found something that I am completely satisfied, and fulfilled with. Knowledge is something that nobody can ever take away, and I can't wait to be able to give this gift to others.