Books, Movies and Websites I like

"Round Dance" is a romance book written by a famous female novelist in Hong Kong. I like the book because it is wonderful, well-written and just brilliant! "The Kite Runner" is a heartbreaking story of friendship and resilience. "The Da Vinci Code" is a book once I started I could not put it down. Really mysterious and magnificent!

"The Soong Sisters" follows the lives of the three Soong sisters in China. Because of the sisters, the Soong family became a political dynasty controlling the country around World War II. "The Terminal" is a subtle comedy that moved me emotionally. I like the movie "Love Actually" because every time I watched it I felt warm and happy.
I use Google and Wikipedia to find all kinds of information. BBC News and the New York Times are the main source of news for me. You Tube could be a website for fun. It is also my resource to find videos for the class presentations.