Diversity and
Opportunity Fellowship These two opportunity fellowships pay
the minimum academic and living expenses while enrolled in the
University of
Massachusetts, Amherst Afro-American Studies Ph.D. program. ($10,000
per year)
Fall 1998-Spring 1999
Pre Doctoral Scholarship The Sally Casanova
California Pre-Doctoral Program assists
students with strong academic
backgrounds who are underrepresented in higher education.A faculty sponsor works with the student in
preparation for Doctoral studies and Ph.D. requirements.($3,000.00 - one year - stipend)
Fall 1997-Spring1999
Ronald E.
Scholarship This Trio
program assists
first generation college students with gaining research experience and
for the rigors of graduate school. ($
2,000.00 - per summer - research stipend)
Fellowship The Kellog
Fellowship provides
student support to the Long Beach 90813 Juvenile Crime Prevention
Program and
AmeriCorps grant projects.It is a
community Interdisciplinary Training Project program that trains
students and
professionals in social work collaboration.($ 2,000.00 -
one year -