Thank you

Ms. Copley's Daze
Ms. Copley, telling us to get it right and

DAZE - All That Jazz
Yes, that's me in the red dress,
as the lead in "All that Jazz"
(from the mucical
Chicago) ca.1982-83

I offer a special thank you to Ms. Pamela Copley, my middle school dance teacher at Utterback Jr. High in Tucson, Arizona.

She taught me that, "dancers don't sweat, they glow!" We were "glowing" a lot in her class...we always had to open the windows because our adolescent "glow" was quite funky.

She took the time to teach the finer points of musical theater to a few rag-tag kids in South Tucson and as a result, her "DAZE" productions were second to nothing on Broadway. We performed everything from Guys and Dolls, The South Pacitic, Chicago, and A Chorus Line, to The Wiz, George Benson's "On Broadway," and even Kool & the Gang's "Celebrate" (on roller-skates with gold lame' capes...I swear, she was brilliant). And academic excellence was not an abstract concept to her: you couldn't perform in her show if you had below a C in ANY of your classes. Teachers and staff worked together and made sure students performed well in all areas of the school. Ms. Copley also taught dance classes in the summer and worked on projects at other schools all around the city. I have no idea how she found time to get married, because she was always with us. She plunked and pounded on that piano, showed us how to hit the high notes, skreeched the records on the player, and yelled at us 'till we got it right. She never let up--ever--because she always demanded that we give our best. We sure did laugh a lot though--she was always cracking us up. But when we "screwed up royally," she would yell, "Evans, Pineda, Cassini, Kratina, Venezuela, McKeathan, everybody...c'mon, FIGURE IT OUT!!!" And eventually, we did. 

I was an "at-risk" youth. But in Ms. Copley's world, I was a SUPERSTAR--we all were.
She literally saved my life.

The last time I saw Ms. Copley, she had been diagnosed with brain cancer and was told she had only a few months to live. When I visited her at Tucson High in the late 90s, she said that even though she was sick, she couldn't "go" yet...because her kids were still looking a mess, they weren't nearly ready for their upcoming performance, and they needed her at rehearsals to get them in shape. She was just so irritated with this cancer thing. Remarkably, she lived far past what the diagnosis allowed and though her kids are undoubtedly still looking a mess, we're much better off for her efforts. Through her love of teaching, she offered a slice of heaven to this world and really blessed those of us who were fortunate enough to be graced with her presence. I teach in hopes of coming close to offering my students what this amazing woman gave to me: faith in myself and hope for humanity. And all that jazz.

Rest in Peace, Ms. Copley.
And thank you.

Pam Copley Copley Obit

...and thanks to Sandi Cassini for the obituary.