Suppliers of Components and Supplies for Acrosports

This page provides a listing of suppliers that have indicated that they provide components for the construction of Acrosports. Listing here does not indicate any endorsement of any of the products, and some are somewhat dated so they may not be available any longer. The items listed are, for the most part, components that are fairly unique to the Acrosport and may be difficult for individual builders to fabricate or find elsewhere.

If there is something anyone would like to see listed here, drop me a line and I will be happy to include it.

Acrosport Inc.

Plans: Acrosport I - $89.50 ; Acrosport II - $104.50

Other designs available as well

PO Box 462,

Hales Corners, WI 53130

(414) 529-2609

Wag-Aero Group - 1996 cataglog

Wheel Pants

Fiberglass fenders for Acrosport II: $ 256.95

Page 67

Wing tips

fiberglass wingtips for Acrosport II - $199.50

Page 68

Nose Cowl

Fiberglass, for Pitts and Acrosport - $ 162.50

Page 69

Exhaust System

Vibration damped system for Acro II - $458.00

Page 116

Exhaust System

Competition aerobatic system for Pitts S1, and acrosport S1 - $ 399.50

Page 118

Aero-Fabricators/Wag Aero

Leading Edge and Aileron gap wells

A little-known division of Wag Aero called Aero- Fabricators (just call Wag Aero and ask to be transferred to them) will make, on demand, perfectly formed leading edge and aileron gap wells. They have all the technical specs (if you built your plane to the plans), you just have to give them the correct wing panel lengths. I can't remember the cost, but it wasn't very much considering the scratch-building difficulty of these particular parts.

Aircraft Spruce 1997 catalog

Materials Kits

components not listed

Page 16

Spruce Kits and Spar kits

Page 50

Flying Wires and Tie Rods

Page 122

Fuel Tank

Main tank 24 gallons- for inverted flight


Page 155


29" or 34" long


Page 169


Clear plastic for Acrosport

0.125" thick - $ 52.08

Note: Listed in earlier catalogs (1988) but not explicitly in 1997. May be available since "only a few models are listed"

Page 168 (Page 132 in 1988 catalog)

Wheel Fairings

fiberglass fairings : 142 per pair

Page 170

Nose cowl

fiberglass - $ 78

page 171

Shock Absorber Coil Springs

Coil springs used in place of bungee cords

$89 per pair

Page 189

Pre-sewn Fabric Envelopes

Poly fiber or ceconite fabric envelopes

Various thicknesses

page 242 - 245

Aluminum Landing Gear

2024 T3 Spring Aluminum Gear

$ 749

Page 189

Wicks Aircraft Supply 1996 catalog

Materials Kits

Materials kits for Acro I and Acro II

Itemized list of components

Pages 13 - 18

Grove Aircraft Company

Spring Aluminum Landing Gear

2024 T6 - Aluminum Gear for AS II

$ 1,100

Sky Classic Aircraft

Manufactured Parts & Fittings

metal fittings, tail ribs, wing ribs, etc.


in Kitplanes Classified - August 1997

A.Wheels (Nick D'Apuzzo)

Macwhyte Flying and Drag Wires

PO Box 174 , Ambler, PA 19002


Airplane Plasics Co.

Windshield & canopies

8300K Dayton Road, Fairborn OH 45324


Don't know for sure if they supply specific to Acrosport, but sounds like a good bet.

Dayton Plastics


If you're planning on a 1 or 2-place canopy...Dayton Plastics in Fairborn, Ohio sells the perfect bubble. (They supply about 95% of the Pitts factory canopies). Repairable Pitts frames can be picked up by calling the Pitts factory and getting a list of the owners of new canopies that have been sold in your area. Most likely they will gladly part with the old broken canopy/frame. A little time and elbow grease and you can have a 1st-rate canopy for your plane.

D & D Tool, Inc.

Rudder and Brake Pedals 218 Harrison Avenue Zeeland, MI 49464 1-616-772-2416

I'm sure you've all seen the great looking brake/rudder pedals that are sold in Aircraft Spruce ($279.95 for the 2-place version). In addition to looking good they could save a serious amount of time scratch-building 4 brake/rudder pedals, but that's a lot of cash. I found the OEM one day, and they sell'em for half the cost.

Haneline Products, Inc.

Engine Turned Instrument Panel

48519 park Avenue Morongo Valley, CA 92256 1-760-363-6597

Haneline Products will custom make your panel layout in Jewel-quality, engine-turned stainless steel. This thin piece of stainless is simply stuck to your aluminum panel with double-sided tape. You then install your gauges, and go flying. No rust, no corrosion and hard to scratch. All you need to supply is a tracing of your complete panel or you can give them the outside shape tracing and indicate the size and location of all of your gauges.

Replicraft Aviation Inc.

Parts support: wing ribs, 4130 fittings, etc.

5 Heather Way, Boonton, NJ 07005-9713


Reference : October 1997 Sport Aviation Classifieds

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