Course# - Course Title

Grading Methods

Pellentesque massa libero, lobortis at, pharetra at, commodo sit amet, massa. Nam velit. Ut euismod, nisl in hendrerit suscipit, nulla urna luctus nulla, a bibendum sapien quam ac leo. Donec suscipit, dolor semper molestie laoreet, wisi felis molestie augue, eu ullamcorper eros elit vel urna. Sed luctus nisl non tortor. Vestibulum et leo vel urna vehicula rutrum.

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Extra Credit Opportunities

Extra Credit is available in the following ways:

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Class Attendance Policy

Pellentesque massa libero, lobortis at, pharetra at, commodo sit amet, massa. Nam velit. Ut euismod, nisl in hendrerit suscipit, nulla urna luctus nulla, a bibendum sapien quam ac leo. Donec suscipit, dolor semper molestie laoreet, wisi felis molestie augue, eu ullamcorper eros elit vel urna. Sed luctus nisl non tortor. Vestibulum et leo vel urna vehicula rutrum.

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Class Demeanor Expectations

Pellentesque massa libero, lobortis at, pharetra at, commodo sit amet, massa. Nam velit. Ut euismod, nisl in hendrerit suscipit, nulla urna luctus nulla, a bibendum sapien quam ac leo. Donec suscipit, dolor semper molestie laoreet, wisi felis molestie augue, eu ullamcorper eros elit vel urna. Sed luctus nisl non tortor. Vestibulum et leo vel urna vehicula rutrum.

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Make-up Work/Exams Policy

Pellentesque massa libero, lobortis at, pharetra at, commodo sit amet, massa. Nam velit. Ut euismod, nisl in hendrerit suscipit, nulla urna luctus nulla, a bibendum sapien quam ac leo. Donec suscipit, dolor semper molestie laoreet, wisi felis molestie augue, eu ullamcorper eros elit vel urna. Sed luctus nisl non tortor. Vestibulum et leo vel urna vehicula rutrum.

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Academic Honesty Policy

The Academic Honesty Guidelines at the University of Florida are designed to develop and engender a community of honor, trust and respect. The academic community of students and faculty at the University of Florida strives to develop, sustain and protect an environment of honesty, trust and respect. Students within the system receive the benefits of the academic pursuit of knowledge, free from the obstacles of lying, cheating and stealing. In return, the Academic Honesty Guidelines demand that students act with integrity in all of their endeavors. Exhibiting honesty in academic pursuits and reporting violations of the Academic Honesty Guidelines will encourage others to also act with integrity. Every student who approaches their studies with honesty and forthrightness suffers when another student attains an unfair advantage by cheating.

An academic honesty offense is defined as the act of lying, cheating, or stealing academic information so that one gains academic advantage. As a University of Florida student, one is expected to neither commit nor assist another in committing an academic honesty violation. Additionally, it is the student's duty to report observed academic honesty violations. The following actions are examples of violations of the Academic Honesty Guidelines:

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Accommodations for Students with Disabilities

Students requesting classroom accommodation must first register with the Dean of Students Office. The Dean of Students Office will provide documentation to the student who must then provide this documentation to the Instructor when requesting accommodation.

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UF Counseling Services

Resources are available on campus for students having personal problems or lacking career and academic goals, which interfere with their academic performance. These resources include:

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