My Senior Design Project
DOCS Research
My Software

Dynamically Optimized Cache Sharing (DOCS)


Objective: The purpose of this research is to investigate the use of dynamically optimized cache sharing as a means of increasing performance of CMP architectures across various multi-process and multi-threaded workloads.

  • Methodology
    • In order to adequately characterize and evaluate the performance of our proposed cache system, we implemented various versions
      of our DOCS structure within the confines of an execution-driven multiprocessor simulator called Multifacet GEMS
      • The GEMS Ruby module in particular was used as a detailed memory system simulator. It can simulate a wide variety of
        memory hierarchies and systems ranging from broadcast-based SMP to a hierarchical directory-based Multiple-CMP system.
  • Design Considerations
    • More to come
  • Design and Implementation
    • More to come
  • Simulations Results
    • More to come
  • Performance Evaluations
    • More to come
  • Conclusions
    • More to come


Note: Since this research is still in progress, I am withholding final drafts until they are published.  For more information, please contact me.

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This page was last updated 08/31/06