About Me
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My Interests and Hobbies:

  • Computer Engineering - Fortunately I am one of those few and lucky people that actually enjoy what they're majoring in.  Unfortunately, many people confuse my major with a computer technician or a networker, which I am NOT.  I do know a good bit about computers only from using them a lot.  You can see what computer engineering is really all about by looking at some samples of my work.
  • Music - I play trumpet in the Saint John Neumann Music Ministry, quite possibly the greatest music ministry in all of Miami.  I also enjoy listening to all kinds of music.  Check out my song of the day.
  • NASA - I'm one of those people that think NASA is really cool because ... well, they just make and do really cool things.  Check out the latest news from NASA here.
  • Politics - I am a conservative and I'm not ashamed to admit it.  Just because I am a conservative does NOT mean that I am a lackey for Bush though.  Here's a couple links to some good political news.
  • Drum Corps - As a former marching band member, I have an extreme interest in DCI, or Drum Corps International.  DCI is an organization of hundreds of Drum Corps across the world (mainly in the United States).  If you are unaware, Drum Corps are like professional marching bands ... really professional marching bands.  These are the best of the best from high schools and colleges across the nation marching every summer to end in the DCI World Championships.  Check out the DCI site for more info ... and GO CAVIES!!

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This page was last updated 10/30/04