Access to Information Websites

Dept. of State: Freedom of Information Act


This site shows how to submit requests for state records and presents exucutive orders regarding classified information


There is a lot of information here that is not necessarily relevant to this topic.

Florida Open Records


Provides succinct explination of Florida's "Sunshine Law" staright from the Attorney General.


These laws are sepcifically for the state of Florida

U.S. Department of Justice: FOIA


Describes how exemption three and other decisions of the FOIA were processed.


The site uses a lot of jargon.

Costs of War


Gives credible accounts of journalists who went to Iraq and Afghanistan to cover the wars. Includes some subjective commentary but has some useful graphs.


Vietnam vs. 'Desert Storm'


Breaks down the media coverage of the Vietnam War and how it affected that of the Gulf War. Starightens out some myths about the former war's coverage.

Censorship of Gulf Coverage (Auburn Univ.)


The content is a bit dates (1995) but provides excellent descriptoins of the procedures taken to keep the media from full emersion. not he most visually pleasing page but content is worth the read.

Air University


A credible article from an Army Major about the relationship between the military and media surrounding the Grenada Invasion

century tower

California Newspaper Publishers Association


Website is straight from credible media group. Includes public access and SHIELD laws.

Associated Press and FOIA


It states how the AP strives to make sure its journalists have access to events, information, etc. Also provides links to stories about federal "transparancy"

U.S. Department of Labor


This page provides apretty nice list of open access resources. Thre is other useful law pertaining to labor.



The FCC provides easy to find full descriptions of FOIA. They are an important agency in the media world so, it is advsides to follow the information provided on here.

The President's stance on access


When President Obama first took over the White House, one of he first issues he addresses was access to government records. In this memorandum, he vows to create a "transparant" government. It is always fun looking back seeing how far eleced official's promises go.