Danny is a senior Advertising + English major at the University of Florida.
He is interested in new media, creative writing, and writing in the third person to describe himself because it seems less like he's bragging when he talks about himself.

He wants to do something new, make you curious, own a cat, or talk about owning a cat. He wants to talk to you about your past pets that you’ve had and talk about how much you love/hate dogs and why you think a cat would be the best or worst choice for your future. He wants to talk to you if you have many web pages on the Internet that he can network with you on, if you know what networking is, and you're able to take pictures of yourself and know your best and worst sides.

He'll talk about how many followers he has on his blog pages without specifying an actual number. He'll stay indoors, learn what it takes to be disliked by people on the internet and do the opposite. He'll be better.

On the side he runs a cat blog, writes fiction, plays music, and doesn't do yoga.

email: d.ennis@ufl.edu
phone: 561.315.4064
location: Gainesville, FL