I would like to introduce myself. If you havent caught on by now, my name is Dan.
This is my webpage, and because it is my webpage it can only be the best webpage
ever. If you were wondering, that is me on the left. I promise Im not vain!
In my spare time, when Im not working or drinking, I attend the University
of Florida. For those of you who dont know, its that quaint little college in
Gainesville, Florida. And if you dont know where Florida is, you can go to
Mapquest.com and look it up for yourself.
But before I moved to the glorious Gainesville, I lived in Jacksonville, Florida
(Mapquest.com for you slow learners).
Actually just south of Jacksonville in a place called Fruit Cove. Its small and its
a nice place. Before that I lived in Valdosta, Georgia. It was a big change for me
to move to Jacksonville from a place like Valdosta, but I got over it, and it was
all for the better!
My priorities at the moment are settled on school. I always have to thank my parents
for helping me, because without them I couldnt be doing this. So rents... WORD UP!
More about me!
I do alot of things in my spare time, like working at Target.
Id say it was alot of fun, but work is work. Otherwise Im going to school and doing homework, or
hanging out with my friends and going to football games.
Without a doubt going to see a UF football ranks up there on my list of things to do on the weekends.
I play a variety of sports myself, including basketball, football, baseball, softball,
and when Im feel like running, ultimate frisbee. I also enjoy being a geek. Often times
you can catch me playing video games and surfing the net. If you want proof of me being a nerd
here you are "OMG OMG HALO 2 NOVEMBER 9th!"
I also enjoy downloading
music "legally" from the net. I enjoy most all music, but I prefer punk, hardcore, and oldschool rap, like
everyone that is cool should. And of course, everyone likes James Brown. He's like a music catagory unto himself.
Since Im an American, I have to mention something about TV, because, its like a parent to me.
My most favorite thing to watch is Adultswim on
cartoon network. No, not the crazy japanese stuff, but the outragiously funny cartoons like
SeaLab 2021, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, and Space Ghost Coast to Coast. Honestly, if you dont laugh at least
once during these shows, you dont have a soul.
Im not that great, but I like to play around with Adobe Photoshop when Im on campus.
I have designed graphics for a few small websites, and one major website, of which I cannot link here
because of their linkable content.
Any questions should be directed to me by sending an email to