

Virtual environment eventually should be able to complement full synergy of conventional physical simulation, character animation, ecological and geophysical modeling and information visualization / data mining. Typical applications includes virtual tourism & travel planning, geographical & general reference, land / urban planning & usage, civil engineering, telecommunications, utilities, and other infrastructure, visualization of environment attributes, real estimate, game and entertainment, and defense industry.

It is now well-established that the Department of Defense (DoD), and in particular the Air Force, are increasingly intent on the development of autonomous and unmanned vehicles so as to decrease risk to our military forces. the number and type of unmanned autonomous vehicles (UAV) employed by the Air Force has increased, while the physical size and cost of individual units continue to decrease. Despite this progress, there remain inherent technical barriers that prevent the rapid development and deployment of emerging UAV systems. One of the most significant barriers is the cost of flight-testing UAVs, and the cost of creating flight-ready prototypes. Early test flight of UAVs often end, unfortunately, in the catastrophic failure and destruction of the prototype.  The hardware-in-the-loop virtual reality simulation and visualization is proposed to be a low risk methodology for the prototype's first stage flight testing and presents opportunities to significantly increase the development rate of enabling techniques (Optimization & Path Planning, and Autopilot) for MAVs.


The following technical issues need to be solved:

Software ??

  • Software architecture design
  • Real urban area geographical database storage, modification and creation
  • Modeling of 3D terrains, buildings, plants, vehicles,...
  • Modeling of 3D MAVs
  • Synchronization
  • View / model projection, lighting, texture, fog, ...
  • Collision detection

Hardware ??

  • Complete flex system
  • Flat panel display system
  • PC