
Baking and Gardening

Chocolate Chip Whoopie Pies

Chocolate Chip Whoopie Pies

Cooking and baking are some of my favorite activities to do in my free time. Both hobbies are great stress relievers, and a great way to keep company happy. I bake chocolate chip cookies for almost every occasion because everyone loves them. Although, cookies are my forte I also bake bread, muffins, pies and any recipe that catches my eye. I cook almost all of my own meals and have a very cultured palate. Cooking and baking, in my opinion, are an art and an easy way for me to express my self.

lavender and basil

Newly Planted Lavender and Basil Pots

I also really enjoy gardening. Currently my roommates and I have a vegetable and herb garden growing in our backyard! I eat vegetables everyday, so I cannot wait for vegetables to start growing. We planted a raised bed garden that we built our selves using 2x4's and a drill. We painted the wood yellow to preserve the wood, and we poured about 5 bags of soil in it. In the garden we planted, tomato, green bean, marigold, carrot, green onion and spinach seeds. For our front porch, we also planted basil and lavender in pots that I painted my self.