WELCOME TO Brian S. McCarthy's UF Site  


My FSU Pictures

| My Main Pictures | UF Pictures 1 | UF Pictures 2 | FSU Pictures |

| My Apartment | My Car | My Scooter | My Bike |

FSU Stadium
FSU Stadium
FSU Stadium
Speeding to FSU (150+ miles from gville)
FSU, an institution for higher learning? Coincidence the circus is so close to the stadium? I think not!
My Gator Salute to FSU
My Gator Salute to FSU
FSU Pimped-out Old-School Ride
Tali Downtown
FSU peeps downtown at awesome Cuban restaurant
Downtown at awesome Cuban restaurant
FSU Pimped-out Old-School Ride

| My Main Pictures | UF Pictures 1 | UF Pictures 2 | FSU Pictures |

| My Apartment | My Car | My Scooter | My Bike |

© 2003, Brian McCarthy