Dr. Eleni Bozia - Classics Department, University of Florida
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Classics Department
University of Florida


LNW3360 (5326): Roman Satire

Monday-Wednesday-Friday 4th period
MAT 03

Instructor: Dr. Eleni Bozia
Office: Dauer 125c
Phone: 352 392 2075

Office Hours: Thursday 10 a.m-12 p.m. or by appointment


  • A. Persi Flacci et D. Iuni Iuuenalis Saturae (Oxford Classical Texts), W. V. Clausen (ed.) (required) ISBN-10: 0198147988
  • Martial : Selected Epigrams (Cambridge Greek and Latin Classics), L. Watson and P. Watson (eds.) (required) ISBN-10: 0521555396
  • Juvenal: The Satires (Duckworth Publishers), J. Ferguson (ed.) (recommended) ISBN-10: 1853995819
  • Persius: Satires (BCP Classic Commentaries on Greek and Latin Texts), H. Nettleship (ed.) (recommended) ISBN-10: 185399572X

  • Secondary Bibliography

  • Coffey, M. Roman Satire (London and New York, 1976)
  • Freudenburg, K. The Cambridge companion to Roman satire (Cambridge, UK and New York, 2005)
  • Highet, G. Juvenal the satirist, a study (Oxford, 1954)
  • Knoche, U. Roman satire (Bloomington, 1975)
  • Morton Braund, S. (ed.) Juvenal, Satires. Book 1 (Cambridge, 1996)
  • Ramage, E.S., Sigsbee, D.L., Fredericks, S.C. Roman satirists and their satire : the fine art of criticism in ancient Rome (Park Ridge, N. J, 1974)
  • Rimell, V. Martial's Rome : empire and the ideology of epigram (Cambridge, UK and New York, 2008)
  • Romano, A.C. Irony in Juvenal (Hildesheim and New York : Olms, 1979)

  • Course Description

  • The purpose of this course is to introduce the students to this captivating genre of Roman literature. We will start by reading the works of Persius and then we will proceed with the Satires of Juvenal and finally with those of Martial. We will examine the origins of satire that, according to Quintilian, is a Roman invention ("satura quidem tota nostra est"). We will also elaborate on the historical and political background of satires and the bearing social circumstances had on this literary genre. As a matter of fact, after Horace there are no satirists until the reign of Nero, since Imperial dictatorship impeded literary liberty. What are the circumstances under which Persius, Juvenal, and Martial write then? While studying these works of literature, we will also focus on the improvement of grammatical and syntactical skills.
  • During our sessions, we will be going through the assigned for the day text. You will be responsible to have it translated before you come to class. We will be going over your homework together, translating, discussing the material, and answering questions on grammar, and syntax. Once a week one of you will have to make a presentation in class on an aspect of the text we will be covering at the time. You will also have pop quizzes on the discussed material.

  • Course Requirements

    • Daily preparation of the assigned material is required and necessary. This will also help you succeed in your quizzes, and exams.
    • Pop quizzes
    • Two exams (non-cumulative).
    • Every Friday one student will give a presentation on an aspect of the text (historical, literary, linguistic).

    Exam dates:
    Wednesday, February 2nd
    Wednesday, April 20th

    Late work/makeup work will not be accepted, unless
    appropriate documentation is provided.


    1. Your perfect attendance is expected. The university recognizes the right of the individual professor to make attendance mandatory. After due warning, professors can prohibit further attendance and subsequently assign a failing grade for excessive absences.
    2. There will be no make-up work except in extraordinary and documented cases.
    3. Students requesting classroom accommodation must first register with the Dean of Students Office. The Dean of Students Office will provide documentation to the student who must then provide this documentation to the Instructor when requesting accommodation.
    4. The use of cellular devices during class is strictly prohibited.
    5. Academic Honesty is expected at all times. We, the members of the University of Florida community, pledge to hold ourselves and our peers to the highest standards of honesty and integrity. On all work submitted for credit by students at the university, the following pledge is either required or implied: "On my honor, I have neither given nor received unauthorized aid in doing this assignment."

    Minus grade scale: Frequently Asked Questions

    Attendance and Participation 10%
    Quizzes 20%
    Individual Presentation 10%
    2 Exams 60% non-cumulative(30% each)

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