University of Florida
Department of Classics




Eleni Bozia, Ph.D.

Department of Classics
137 Dauer Hall
University of Florida
POBox 117435
Gainesville, FL 32611

Tel: (352) 392-2075
Fax: (352) 846-0297
E-Mail: bozia [@]

GRW 6931 (18E8) Studies in Greek and Latin literature

W 8th-10th prd period
TUR 2353

Instructor: Eleni Bozia
Office: Dauer 137
Phone: 352 273 3694

Office Hours: Monday 11:45-1:35


  • There is no required textbook, as we will be covering a variety of material.
  • Both the primary and secondary sources are accessible online or through Library West.

  • Course Description

  • The purpose of this course is to give the opportunity to students to explore the world of Early to High Empire through variegated selections of Greek and Roman literature. The period of the 1st century BCE to the 2nd century CE is an era of ethnical and cultural hybridity. The geographical boundaries of the Roman Empire include Greeks, Romans—native and naturalized—and Easterners. Additionally we have authors writing in Greek, Latin, or both; Roman authors who write about Greeks and others; Greek authors who write about Romans; and Easterners who write in Greek.

  • Our aim in the class will be to determine what it means to be an individual in this socio-political ferment. Do people feel Roman? How do native Romans view everybody else? How does the preponderance of Greek weigh into things?

  • During the course of the semester, we will be studying selected primary sources alongside secondary bibliography, and each student will engage with any of the aforementioned aspects or other issues that spring from them.

  • Course Requirements

    • Preparation of the assigned material is required and necessary.
    • Weekly Reports on the primary and secondary material
    • Two exams
    • 5.000-word essay on a topic of your choice

    Tentative Weekly Schedule

  • Weeks 1 and 2:
  • Discussions on blood and ancestry in Rome and Athens

    Isocrates, Panegyricus 50
    Ath. Pol. 26.4
    Plutarch, Pericles 37.2
    Pindar, Pythian 9
    Dionysius of Halicarnassus, Roman Antiquities (selections)

    Cicero, Brutus 137; 169-172; Orator 161
    De re publica 2.12
    Pro Balbo 31.24
    Claudius ILS 212
    Tacitus, Annales 11.24
    Livy, Ab urbe condita (selections)

  • Weeks 3 and 4:
  • Romans and Syrians on the the others

    Lucian, True Histories
    Pliny, Natural History (selections)
    Ovid, Tristia (selections); Letters from Pontus (selections)
    Caesar, Gallic Wars (selections)

  • Week 5:
  • Greeks on Romans and themselves

    Plutarch, Theseus; Romulus; Moralia (selections); Questions (selections)

  • Weeks 6 and 7:
  • Romans clients and Greek clients: the case of contested patronage

    Juvenal, Satire 1; Satire 5
    Lucian, On Salaried posts; Apology

  • Week 8:
  • Exam 1 (October 19th)

  • Weeks 9 and 10:
  • Rome as cosmopolis

    Dio of Prusa (selections)
    Aelius Aristides, Panathenaic Oration (selections); To Rome (selections)

  • Week 9: Submission of a conference-type abstract of the final paper

  • Weeks 11 and 12:
  • Who are the foreigners?

    Aulus Gellius, Attic Nights (selections)
    Lucian, Toxaris; Scytha; Anacharsis

  • Week 13:
  • The Greek and Roman Novels: "everything is Greece to the wise man", Phil. VA 1.35

    Apuleius, Cupid and Psyche
    Selections from Greek Novels (Longus, Xenophon, Chariton)

  • Weeks 14 and 15:
  • Work on Final projects and final presentations

    Exam dates:
    Wednesday, October 19th
    Tuesday, December 12th

    Project Draft Due:
    Wednesday, October 26th


    1. Your perfect attendance is expected. The university recognizes the right of the individual professor to make attendance mandatory. After due warning, professors can prohibit further attendance and subsequently assign a failing grade for excessive absences.
    2. There will be no make-up work except in extraordinary and documented cases.
    3. Students requesting classroom accommodation must first register with the Dean of Students Office. The Dean of Students Office will provide documentation to the student who must then provide this documentation to the Instructor when requesting accommodation.
    4. The use of cellular devices during class is strictly prohibited.
    5. Academic Honesty is expected at all times. We, the members of the University of Florida community, pledge to hold ourselves and our peers to the highest standards of honesty and integrity. On all work submitted for credit by students at the university, the following pledge is either required or implied: "On my honor, I have neither given nor received unauthorized aid in doing this assignment."

    Minus grade scale:

  • A 93-100
  • A- 90-92
  • B+ 87-89
  • B 84-86
  • B- 80-83
  • C+ 77-79
  • C 74-76
  • C- 70-73
  • D+ 67-69
  • D 64-66
  • D- 60-63

  • Grades:
    Attendance and Participation 10%
    Weekly reports 20%
    2 Exams 40% non-cumulative(20% each)
    Paper and Presentation 30%

    College of Liberal Arts and Sciences