University of Florida
Department of Classics






Eleni Bozia, Ph.D.
Department of Classics
137 Dauer Hall
University of Florida
POBox 117435
Gainesville, FL 32611

Tel: (352) 392-2075
Fax: (352) 846-0297
E-Mail: bozia [@]

GRK 2200 (0139): Intermediate Greek I

Wednesday 10-E1th period
TUR 1101

Instructor: Dr. Eleni Bozia
Office: Dauer 137
Phone: 352 273 3694

Office Hours: Tuesday 6th and 7th/Thursday 5th


  • Enan Augousto stis Spetses, Arvanitakis (Deltos Publications)(required) ISBN: 9783190053162
  • H Niki ke i alli, Kolethra (Deltos Publications)(required) ISBN: 9607914252
  • Oxford Greek-English Learner's, Stavropoulos (Oxford University Press) (recommended) ISBN: 9780194325684

  • Course Description

  • The purpose of this course is to improve the students' ability to understand, speak, and write in Greek. Beginners Greek I and II courses are required for a student before a student registers for this class. If a student has a prior knowledge of Greek, he should contact me in order to determine an appropriate placement. Along with improving our communication skills we will be revisiting grammatical and vocabulary issues so as to refresh our knowledge of the Greek language fundamentals. During our sessions we will be reading portions of a Greek text, we will be translating, and discussing it in Greek. Along with all the above we will be discussing several aspects of Greek lifestyle so that the students may acquire a well-rounded knowledge of Greek language and culture.
  • You will also have pop quizzes on the discussed material.

  • Course Requirements

    • Daily preparation of the assigned material is required and necessary. This will also help you succeed in your quizzes and exams.
    • Pop quizzes
    • Three exams
    • Every Wednesday one student will give a presentation on an aspect of Greek language, history, or culture.

    Exam dates:
    Wednesday, September 21st
    Wednesday, October 26th
    Wednesday, December 7th
    Late work/makeup work will not be accepted, unless
    appropriate documentation is provided.


    1. Your perfect attendance is expected. The university recognizes the right of the individual professor to make attendance mandatory. After due warning, professors can prohibit further attendance and subsequently assign a failing grade for excessive absences.
    2. There will be no make-up work except in extraordinary and documented cases.
    3. Students requesting classroom accommodation must first register with the Dean of Students Office. The Dean of Students Office will provide documentation to the student who must then provide this documentation to the Instructor when requesting accommodation.
    4. The use of cellular devices during class is strictly prohibited.
    5. Academic Honesty is expected at all times. We, the members of the University of Florida community, pledge to hold ourselves and our peers to the highest standards of honesty and integrity. On all work submitted for credit by students at the university, the following pledge is either required or implied: "On my honor, I have neither given nor received unauthorized aid in doing this assignment."

    Minus grade scale:

  • A 93-100
  • A- 90-92
  • B+ 87-89
  • B 84-86
  • B- 80-83
  • C+ 77-79
  • C 74-76
  • C- 70-73
  • D+ 67-69
  • D 64-66
  • D- 60-63

  • Grades:
    Attendance and Participation 15%
    Quizzes 10%
    Individual Presentation 15%
    3 Exams 60% non-cumulative(20% each)

    College of Liberal Arts and Sciences