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_____1. Children acquire a second language primarily
through imitation and repetition. |
_____2. Maintaining the first language in the home will
facilitate and enhance the acquisition of English. |
_____3. Oral fluency is a sufficient indication that an
ESOL student has mastered the new language. |
_____4. An initial "silent period" can benefit a second language student because it allows the student an |
opportunity to process and decode the new language. |
_____5. Placing a limited English proficient student in a mainstream classroom will ensure that the |
student acquires English quickly. |
_____6. Correction of students' language errors is an effective strategy to enhance the acquistion of the |
correct structure. |
_____7. It may take some ESOL students five to seven or
more years to develop academic language. |
_____8. The only real difference between academic language and social language is the academic or |
technical vocabulary. |
_____9. Students in the preproduction phase of language development should not be asked questions
that require a verbal response. |
_____10. Bilingual aides can be very helpful to beginning ESOL students by providing concurrent |
translations for them. |
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