Posttest & Review of Second Language Acquisition


  1. Review the answers to the pretest you completed at the beginning of this module on Second Language Development.
  2. Take the Posttest on Second Language Development (shown below) found in Section 2 of the study guide on pages 39-40 or using the downloadable document. Give a rationale for each of your answers.
  3. Compare your answers on the pretest with your answers on the posttest.
  4. Submit your answers for both the pretest and the posttest to the course facilitator with a rationale supporting your answers, and if necessary, why your answers changed on the posttest.

Download the Posttest in Microsoft Word Format

_____1. Children acquire a second language primarily through imitation and repetition.

_____2. Maintaining the first language in the home will facilitate and enhance the acquisition of English.

_____3. Oral fluency is a sufficient indication that an ESOL student has mastered the new language.

_____4. An initial "silent period" can benefit a second language student because it allows the student an

opportunity to process and decode the new language.

_____5. Placing a limited English proficient student in a mainstream classroom will ensure that the

student acquires English quickly.

_____6. Correction of students' language errors is an effective strategy to enhance the acquistion of the

correct structure.

_____7. It may take some ESOL students five to seven or more years to develop academic language.

_____8. The only real difference between academic language and social language is the academic or

technical vocabulary.

_____9. Students in the preproduction phase of language development should not be asked questions

that require a verbal response.

_____10. Bilingual aides can be very helpful to beginning ESOL students by providing concurrent

translations for them.

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