Foreign Language Demonstration (Part A)

No matter what your past language learning experience has been, you will now have a taste of what some ESOL students experience when they enter mainstream classrooms.  You will watch two brief lessons on video. If the videos do not work below, please ask your facilitator for a tape.

Step One:  View the first part of the video titled "Foreign Language Demonstration" and then answer the following questions

 Farsi Lesson Part A
*click the play button on the left to start the video.

Download the Document in Microsoft Word Format

  1. What did you understand and why?
  2. How did you feel?
  3. How would you react if you were the language minority student in a class where you could not understand the instruction?

Submit your answers to the facilitator using either the downloadable document or p. 23 in your study guide. (Note: You will submit answers to these questions after viewing the second video clip.)


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