Welcome to the world of PC gaming

Prusa’s Computer Specs

Processor: Intel Core i7 CPU 950
Memory: 6 gigs 1600Mhz DDR3
Hard Drive: 1 TB Caviar Black
Video Card: Gigabyte GTX 470 SOC
Monitor: Samsung 1920x1080
Keyboard: Apple Keyboard
Mouse: Razer Death Adder
Mouse Surface: Razer Goliathus
Operating System: Windows 7 64-bit
Motherboard: ASUS Sabertooth x58
Computer Case: CoolerMaster Storm
PSU: Corsair 850 watt
If you’ve stumbled upon this website in the hopes of learning about making a PC, then there is a good chance you are new to the whole process. Well, not too long ago a 20-year-old University of Florida student, Joey Prusa, was in exactly the same spot as you.

Prusa had always enjoyed videogames, but he never had a serious gaming PC of his own. Once his laptop died, he decided it was time to create his own customized gaming rig. With the help of a few friends, he started researching video cards and motherboards in order to build his dream machine.

After spending countless hours on what he said is now his favorite PC component website, newegg.com , he ordered all of the components he needed. Much to his delight, he received his packages in less than a week and began building, which Prusa said was surprisingly easy as well as rewarding.

“I found it really fun to see it all come together,” Prusa said. “I put together a computer that’s fabulously powerful but not very expensive.”

Prusa said that anyone who is looking into buying new components or building an entire computer needs to do extensive research on all of the parts, especially the different types and speeds of RAM. According to him, Tom’s Hardware was an invaluable resource for learning about such confusing parts.

Prusa said his gaming PC wouldn’t be complete without the use of Steam, an online gaming service that provides digital copies of thousands of games. Prusa said the service holds sales on a regular basis with games being discounted as much as 90 percent on occasion.

“Metro 2033,” a game that was released in March of 2010 and normally sells for $40, was available for a mere $10 when Prusa bought it. He said not only does “Metro” have some of the best graphics of any game to date, but it has an engrossing world and compelling plot as well.

Prusa said that his experiences while playing “Metro” and similar first-person shooters has helped to highlight the benefits of PC gaming over console gaming, especially in terms of controlling the in-game action.

“There’s just a level of precision that you get with a mouse and keyboard that you can’t get on a console,” Prusa said.