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Learning how to write a news story for broadcast

There is a tendency among journalism and communication students to look down on radio. But think about this:

Television may give us pictures but with radio, the journalists is our eyes. In radio the journalist not only has to tell the story but also has to describe the scene for the audience

Writing radio news is not easier than writing for television. In fact it is harder. In television the picture can tell a thousand words, but with radio you have to tell the news and those thousand words missing. If you can write the news for radio then television news becomes easy

There is a greater freedom of expression in radio because it is not hindered by the video. You set the scene by painting a picture in the listener's mind

Radio is an excellent training ground to develop your skills if you decide to later move on to television

It is also easier sometimes to find your first job or your first internship at a radio station because too many new reporters get drawn to the glamour of television. You need to decide if you would rather cover the news at a radio station or fetch coffee at a television station in your first job. Personally, I don´t like coffee

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AM 850 News cast with Andy Selepak and Kristine Putrino