

Expected Time Required (Approximate): A general guideline for the amount of time you should plan to dedicate to this and any other University course is 2-3 hours of homework per hour spent in class.

Extra Credit: No extra credit will be given under any circumstances.

Late and Make-up Work: Any activities or assignments missed due to an unexcused absence will receive a grade of 0. No late work will be accepted and no make-ups will be allowed. In the case of officially documented excused absences (see above), your instructor and the Program Director will determine how the missed work should best be accounted for.

S/U Option: You are free to take this course S/U if you desire (even if you are a major or minor, the first course that counts towards the degree and that therefore must be taken for a grade is 2240). You do not need your instructor's permission or signature, nor do you need to consult with the Program Director or the Undergraduate Advisor. Simply stop by the main Romance Languages office in 170 Dauer Hall and fill out the appropriate paperwork there. They can give you the necessary signatures required by our department.

Academic Integrity: Academic honesty and integrity are fundamental values of the University community. An academic honesty offense is defined as the act of lying, cheating, or stealing academic information so that one gains academic advantage. Any individual who becomes aware of a violation of the Honor Code is bound by honor to take corrective action.

Violations of the Academic Honesty Guidelines include but are not limited to:

•  Cheating . The improper taking or tendering of any information or material which shall be used to determine academic credit. Taking of information includes copying graded homework assignments from another student; working with another individual(s) on graded assignments or homework; looking or attempting to look at notes, a text, or another student's paper during an exam.

•  Plagiarism . The attempt to represent the work of another as the product of one's own thought, whether the other's work is oral or written (including electronic), published or unpublished. Plagiarism includes, but is not limited to, quoting oral or written materials without citation on written materials or in oral presentations; submitting work produced by an on-line translation service or the translation feature of an on-line dictionary as your own.

•  Misrepresentation . Any act or omission with intent to deceive a teacher for academic advantage. Misrepresentation includes lying to a teacher to increase your grade; lying or misrepresenting facts when confronted with an allegation of academic honesty.

•  Bribery, Conspiracy, Fabrication . For details see below.

•  On all work submitted for credit the following pledge is either required or implied: "On my honor I have neither given nor received unauthorized aid in doing this assignment." Violations of this policy will result in disciplinary action according to the judicial process. For more details and for policies specific to the Department of Romance Languages and Literatures, please see: www.clas.ufl.edu/users/glord/RLL_honor_code.html

Students with Special Needs: Students requesting classroom accommodation must first register with the Dean of Students Office. The Dean of Students Office will provide documentation to the student who must then provide this documentation to the Instructor when requesting accommodation. It is the student's responsibility to take the appropriate steps in informing the instructor of any special needs and for arranging any accommodations with ample time to administer them.

Program director: Any classroom issues, disagreements or grade disputes should be discussed first between the instructor and the student. If the problem cannot be resolved contact the Intermediate Spanish Program Assitant: Carmen Guerrero at ascg70@ufl.edu.  If the problem can not be solved with her, contact Dr. Gillian Lord, at glord@rll.ufl.edu director of the program