1. Teams have 7 players each (less than 5 players=a forfeit). CO-ED: 8 players (4 men & 4 women). Less than 6 players a forfeit - a team may not have more than 4 men or 4 women on the field. CO-ED teams of 7 must be 4 men and 3 women or visa versa. Teams of 6 must be 3 men and 3 women.
  2. Pockets & belt loops on shorts or pants ARE not allowed. Shirts must be tucked in.
  3. Games consist of two 20 minute halves with 5 minutes between halves. Clock runs continuously for the entire first half. During the last 2 minutes of the 2nd half the clock runs like NFL football. (Clock stops on incomplete passes and penalties. Clock stops on first downs until the ball is set.) GAME TIME IS FORFEIT TIME.
  • If a tie occurs during league play the score shall stand. Tie breaker in play-offs is as follows: Each team starts 1st and goal from the 20 yard line and attempts to score a touchdown and extra point(s). The overtime period consists of one possession by each team. One time-out is allowed per team per overtime period.
  • Each half will begin by placing the ball on the fifteen-yard line Coin toss options are to start on offense or defense. The opposing captain will exercise the remaining option. At the start of the second half the teams will switch sides and the team that started the game on offense will now start the half on defense.
  • Each team is allowed 2 one minute time-outs per half.
  • A team has 20 seconds to put the ball in play after it is set buy the referee.
  • There are no quick kicks.
  • A protected scrimmage kick (punt) may be requested by an offensive captain on any down. The referee notifies the other officials and the other team. Both teams must have 6 (7 in CO-ED) players on the line of scrimmage with one player off the line. The center must snap the ball between his legs. The kicker must be at least 5 yards behind the line of scrimmage when receiving the snap. The ball must be kicked immediately & in a continuos motion. In CO-ED a male who receives the kick may only advance the ball forward a maximum of 2 steps. He may carry the ball backward or parallel. A punt may be advanced out of the end zone. A punt going out of bounds will set where it went out.
  • A team has 4 downs to advance the ball to the next zone.
  • The team in possession is responsible for retrieving the ball and returning it to the referee.
  • Players may use a 2, 3, or 4 point stance.
  • The center must snap the ball between his legs. The person receiving the snap must be at least 2 yards behind the line of scrimmage. The offensive team must have at least 4 (5 for CO-ED) players on the line of scrimmage. Players may not jump, dive or leave their feet.
  • CO-ED: An offensive team male runner cannot advance the ball beyond the line of scrimmage. If there is a change of possession, a male runner may advance the ball through the neutral zone.
  • A backward pass or fumble which touches the ground is dead at the spot where it touches the ground and belongs to the team last in possession unless lost on downs.
    m. All players are elegible to touch or catch a pass. Only one forward pass is allowed per down & it must be thrown from behind the offensive scrimmage line.
  • CO-ED: There may not be 2 consecutive forward pass completions from a male passer to a male receiver (does not apply to the extra point). For example: If a male passer completes a pass to a male, the next completion must be received by a female. There are no restrictions on female passers.
  • A player catching the ball must have one foot in bounds for it to be legal.
    p. If a team is 17 points (23 in CO-ED) ahead at the two minute warning in the second half, the game is ended due to "slaughter rule".
  • Touchdown = 6 points. CO-ED: touchdown: male = 6 points, female = 9 points.
  • If a players flag has been secured illegally (flag must be able to be released with one pull) the player will be thrown out of the game. If the player scored a touchdown the touchdown will be nullified. Any team with two infractions will forfeit the game.
  • Extra points = 1 point from the 3 yard line, 2 points from the 10 yard line.
  • BLOCKING: There is no contact allowed. Offensive screen blocking: the screen blocker shall have his/her hands & arms at his/her side or behind the back. Any use of the arms, elbows, or legs to initiate contact during an offensive player's screen block is illegal. A blocker may use his/her hands to break a fall or maintain balance. A player must be on his/her feet before, during, and after screen blocking. The defense must go around an offensive screen block. Arms and hands may not be used as a wedge to contact the opponent.


  1. Required equipment worn illegally
  2. Illegal delay of game.
  3. Unfair tactics.
  4. Substitution rules infractions.
  5. Putting ball in play before declared ready
  6. Exceeding 20 second count.
  7. Infraction of free kick formation.
  8. Encroachment of free kick lines.
  9. Corec. advancement of free kick by male.
  10. Free kick out of bounds.
  11. Infraction of protected scrimmage kick formation by line players.
  12. Infraction #11 by kickers.
  13. Corec. - advancement of protected scrimmage kick by male.
  14. Invalid or illegal fair catch signal.
  15. Illegal ball adjustment by snapper.
  16. Illegal position by snapper.
  17. Illegal snap.
  18. Interference with opponents or ball.
  19. Defensive encroachment.
  20. False start.
  21. Illegal shift.
  22. Infraction of scrimmage formation.
  23. Player out of bounds when ball is snapped.
  24. Offensive player illegally in motion.
  25. Player receiving snap within 2 yds of line.
  26. Offensive player not within 15 yds of ball.
  27. Illegally handing ball forward.
  28. Corec - Advancement by male runner.
  29. Intentionally throwing backward pass or fumble out of bounds.
  30. Illegal forward pass (LD)
  31. Intentionally grounding (LD)
  32. Corec - illegal forward pass - 2 male to to male consecutive pass completions (LD)
  33. Helping the runner.
  34. Reentry of disqualified player
  35. Illegal flag belt removal


  1. Delaying start of either half.
  2. Quick Kick
  3. Not crossing scrimmage line on protected scrimmage kick.
  4. Fair catch interference.
  5. 2 or more consecutive encroachments between downs.
  6. Offensive forward pass interference (LD).
  7. Defensive forward pass interference (1st down).
  8. Illegally secured belt on TD (LD).
  9. Unsportsmanlike conduct.
  10. Spiking, kicking, throwing or not returning ball to official during dead ball.
  11. Unsportsmanlike conduct by sub., coach, etc.
  12. Tackle runner.
  13. Steal, bat, or attempt to steal ball.
  14. Tripping an opponent.
  15. Contact with opponent on ground.
  16. Throwing runner to ground.
  17. Hurdling any players.
  18. Contact before or after ball is dead.
  19. Unnecessary contact of any nature.
  20. Drive or run into player.
  21. Clipping.
  22. Position upon shoulders or body.
  23. Illegal offensive screen blocking.
  24. Interlocked interference.
  25. Defensive use of hands.
  26. Guarding the flag.
  27. Stiff arm.
  28. Obstruction of runner.
  29. Batting a free ball.
  30. Illegal kicking.
  31. Illegal participation.
  32. Illegal substitute/replace player.
  33. Pretended, unfair substitution

Flagrant unsportsmanlike player conduct. Flagrant spiking, kicking, throwing or not returning ball to official. Flagrant unsportsmanlike conduct by coaches, subs, or others. Flagrant personal fouls. Intentional tampering with flag belt (LD). CONDUCT: See the "Code of Conduct".

Rules may vary a bit depending upon on different leagues. Please check with your local league for there rules before playing.
- UF Intramural Rules

site created by brad mosall & aaron riggins. cgs3066 project 1.