In the last chapter you read, “The Propaganda Wall”, Ji-li’s Aunt is sweeping and humiliated, Old Qian is publicly punished, and Ji-li’s best friend An Yi’s grandmother commits suicide. These are a few of the many atrocities that occur in Red Scarf Girl and a mere sample of all the casualties of the Cultural Revolution. You should recognize that this was a horrible time in China’s history but that it is not reflective of China as a whole.
When we encounter truly bad things happening in the world, or when we read about truly bad things that have happened in the past, we often think to ourselves: “how can this happen” or “why are people letting this happen”? Consider some of these events that have occurred in the past. The links below will give you additional information. Then choose three to discuss in a scholarly fashion as you attempt to answer the question: Why DO bad things happen? Other questions to consider: Is there a common theme between these events (i.e. hate, money, religion)? Can bad things happen anywhere? Are bad things caused by a single person or society in general? What can we do to prevent similar events in the future?
Your essay should be 400-500 words. Remember to cite your sources. Submit your paper by email to or hand it in on a CD.
Essays will be graded using the FCAT Rubric. Review this rubric at Score Points in Rubric