Today we will be learning how to say dates
and times in German. |
Days and Months
Montag, Dienstag,
Mittwoch |
Monday, Tuesday,
Wednesday |
Donnerstag, Freitag,
Samstag, Sonntag |
Thursday, Friday,
Saturday, Sunday |
Januar, Februar, März,
April |
January, February,
March, April |
Mai, Juni, Juli, August |
May, June, July, August |
September, Oktober |
September, October |
November, Dezember |
November, December |
Dates and time
Können Sie mir sagen,
wie spät es ist? |
Could you tell me the
time? |
Wie viel Uhr ist es? |
What time is it? |
Es ist... Uhr. |
It is... o'clock. |
Gegen ... Uhr. |
At about ... o'clock. |
halb zwei |
half past one |
Es ist Viertel vor/nach
eins. |
It is a quarter to/after
one. |
Der Wievielte ist heute? |
What's the date? |
Heute is der zweite.... |
It's the second of ...
(month). |
Am achten November |
On November 8th |
Weihnachtstag |
Christmas Day |
Tables courtesy of
The German Tutor |
Assignment: Write sentences describing each month. |
Write a conversation between you and your partner discussing what time you
have your classes. |