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Audience Analysis

Module Objectives



Audience Analysis

I. Technological Profile

Platform/Browser - IBM & Macintosh/Internet Explorer & Netscape

Plug-in Required - Flash

Sound/Video - Within Animations

Monitor Display - 800 x 600

II. Demographic Profile

Grade Level - Eighth to Tenth Grade

Color - Close to Primary Colors

Font - Arial (or similar) 12-14 Point

Vocabulary - No Higher Than Eighth Grade Level

Content Breakdown - Numbers are Approximate

  • Graphics - 50%
  • Animation - 25%
  • Text - 25%

Intent of Use - Primarily at School

Length - One Hour (Some students may finish earlier, so alternate assignment should be prepared)

III. Learning Profile

Relevance to the Student -

Most students are aware of the HIV and various Sexual Transmitted Diseases.

Prerequisites -

Students would have previously completed lessons on cells and bacteria.

Mandatory or for Fun (Game) -

With the tie-in to HIV, we would not envision it as a game. We would include unique items found only in this module in a larger scope exam.

Types of Learners -

Visual - The visual aspects of the page will include the animation and graphics which would be helpful to the learner.

Audio - We are planning on putting various sound files such as sounds similar to the theme from 2001 Space Odyssey, or Darth Vader's heavy breathing to show the seriousness and the dark side of the subject.

Kinesthetic - This would be limited. However a follow-up assignment could have students drawing various viruses they learned about.