











Coursework: General Education Requirements
SYG 2430- Marriage and Family: This class taught how the modern family and ancient families ran their househoulds and the changes that have come about through the last two centuries.
WIS 2040-Wildlife Issues: Familiarizing students with the wildlife that surrounds us and making us aware of animal life and problems in our society.
SYG 2000-Principals in Sociology: Introduction to the world of sociology and education in some of todays problems facing our society, and a look back into the past of some famous people in history.
MGF 1106-Math for Liberal Arts Majors: Introduction to geometry and algebra
HSC 2100-Personal and Family Health: A look into the world of Health Sciences and ways to take care of your body.
GLY 1102-Age of Dinosaurs: Introduces you to the Mesozoic Era when dinosaurs ruled.  You review the terrain and the weather of these times, along with learning about each family of dinosaurs and how they roamed our planet for millions of years.
ENC 1102-English: Writing papers based on scientific books and discussing them in our classes.

Coursework towards Elementary Education Degree
HUM 2511: Art and Music for the Elementary School teacher.  This is a tracking course for Elementary Education majors.
EDF 1005: Introduction to Education.  This class introduces students to the teaching world.  You learn about laws, curriculum, how education was started and are taught how to prepare lesson plans.  This class requires 30 hours of volunteer service in the public schools.
EME 2040-Introduction to Edcuational Technology: You learn how technology is an important part of todays society and how it should be integrated into teaching.  This is the class where I have created this portfolio.ww
See Powerpoint Presentation
See Photoshop image