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Welcome To South Plantation Night Life!
Here you will find many pictures and details of recent events in the Plantation area. Of course, if you're not a teenager you probably won't have a clue about what's going on here. This site is dedicated to all those people who have such a great time going out that they sometimes forget what their night was like! Now, with this site bringing you awesome pictures and great narrative details, you won't miss a thing. Great memories will be far from forgotten! Sit back, relax, and enjoy everything SP Night Life has to offer ;)

Site News & Updates


06.17.04 | Look for yourself dudes! Here we have Senior Breakfast and some PIX from John Shaw's Graduation....

Senior Breakfast | John Shaw's Graduation

06.09.04 | Alright, so call me a lazy fuck. As you can see it's been more than a month since my last update. I know many of you have been anxiously awaiting some more pix so here they are...

First on the list of updates is a couple of pix from Prom '04. Aww how cute :)

Next we have Friday, May 27, 2004 starting from school and ending at Sam's beach house. Please note that this one takes a while to load due to lots of pix.

05.02.04 | Hey guys what's goin on? It's been almost a month since the last time I updated but check it out!!! One awesome weekend right here...here is a brief summary:

Friday, April 30, 2004 - Blake, a senior from Stranahan HS had a party at his crib.

Saturday, May 01, 2004 - Matt & Mitch Iannatto had a party at their beach hotel...it was striz8.

04.07.04 | Sorry I haven't updated in such a long time but my sister took the camera away from me! lol But anyway, nothing much going on lately but Howie D did have a barbeque tonight. Tommy Borello got high as fuckkkk and everyone in general was being cool as hell.

get fucked up

03.28.04 | I have redesigned this web-site to make it look better as well as to make it easier to use. Some of the stuff still doesn't work yet because I need a friend to help me out with the database stuff for members and searching and such. Oh and btw, I stuck all the pix in the View Gallery section. Ok peace. Oh yeah and I added some pix I took last night.
Here you go

03.25.04 | yeah so i took the camera out tonight and got some great pictures!!! :) check them out HERE

03.24.04 | My newly created web-site!!! Lol...i spent so much time making just this. Hmm...ill get it better..in the meantime nothing much to do here.

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