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Photos > Good Times at UF

Diego Madrigal visits JC Watts
DM gets the Gary Condit hookups too
Brian likes to dream of a whites-only Miami
Eric assaults Antony Flew
This is Eric's "excited" expression
This is Eric's "I am the Terminator" expression
A bunch of 21 year olds like Dave
Tom Bo gathers Thai Bo in passionate embrace
Christian proves that women love the 80s
Evan takes Kayla out for her birthday
I bet Brian's glad I dug up this photo
Lewis's 21st birthday is celebrated far and wide
UES Summer Social: Mike, Chris, KMac, Eric, Alex, and No-name Dave's Bday: Brian, Lesley, Dave, KMac, Eric, me, Nick  

Kayla's Bday: Nick, Eric, me, KMac, Dave, Evan, Kayla, Left-Eye, Brian, and Monkey Brains (removed from pic for your sanity)