Essays, Photos, and Products


Early 90's  My earliest essays indicate a predilection toward flowery expositions that would later be my undoing.
Mid 90's A period of drab, uninspired writing. Hey! I just wanted to watch Star Trek and drink Pepsi! :)
1997-98 Wrote a lot this year- enjoy the blossoming wit and original webpage for my essays designed in the same year.
1998-99 The petals glisten anew.
1999-2000 Experiments in style and exposition.
2000-01  A mix of rote garbage (the Great Epic Rxn Paper Saga) with biting satire and insightful analysis of tropes and modalities.
2001-02 Libertarianism, Linguistics, Israel, Civil Liberties, etc. Under Construction.
2002-03 Hard core Gender & Language, Sociolinguistics, Dialects, China, etc. Under Construction
COPYRIGHT ® Needless to say, Federal legislation allows me to reserve all rights (which I do, but don't actually need to explicitly say on each webpage) to the content of my work. But once you read it, you'll see that you don't want it anyway. =)