Academic Interest

        My academic interests in the field of health education and behavior revolve around sexuality education and childbirth education.  I am very interested in working with new and expecting mothers.  In the future I would like to create educational programs about the importance of diet and exercise,breast feeding, prenatal and postnatal care, and about the risks associated with pregnancy and childbirth.  Because working with newborns and expecting mothers is of great interest, I have really enjoyed the classes I have had here at the University of Florida.  These classes include Human Sexuality, Emotional Health and Counseling, and Nutrition Education for Special Populations.

Three Year Career Plan

        During the Fall semester of 2007, I plan to complete a 16 week internship with Shands at UF in the Mother/Baby Unit, providing lactation education services to mothers.  This is an ideal internship for me because, upon graduation in December of 2007, I plan to pursue a career in childbirth education. 
After graduation I intend to directly enter into the workforce.  I plan to become CHES certified (Certified Health Education Specialist) as well as obtain the Childbirth Education certification.  Being certified in these areas, along with having my bachelor’s degree in Health Education and Behavior, I hope to enter into a career in childbirth education.  I would like to work for a hospital or agency educating new mothers and expecting mothers on all aspects of childbirth and self-care. After working in the profession for about two years, I will evaluate my success and decide if I would like to attend graduate school to further my education.

2701 SW 13th Street
Gainesville, Fl 32608
(352) 672-0741 (TEL)

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Last Updated June 16, 2007