(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]AP[CGoban:3]ST[2] RU[Chinese]SZ[19]KM[7.50]TM[5400] PW[Hu Ruoxing (Rosen)]PB[Yin Yiming]WR[5d]BR[3d]DT[2010-11-21]PC[The KGS Go Server at http://www.gokgs.com/]C[chee10 [9k\]: Hello chee10 [9k\]: The game will be started in 1 minute ] ;B[pp] ;W[qd] ;B[dq] ;W[cd]C[chee10 [9k\]: This is the second game of the final serie ] ;B[co]C[chee10 [9k\]: of Gainesville Go Club League ] ;W[jq] ;B[mq] ;W[gq] ;B[ed] ;W[ec] (;B[fb]) (;B[fc] ;W[dc] ;B[fd] ;W[cf] ;B[od] ;W[mc] ;B[jc] ;W[oc] ;B[qj] ;W[ro] ;B[rp] ;W[qp] ;B[qq] ;W[qo] ;B[rq] ;W[po] ;B[qm] ;W[op] ;B[pq] ;W[pk]C[chee10 [9k\]: Hey Celia10, don't interrupt the game by asking those questions... celia10 [8k?\]: cuz those guys think rosen is sleepy and made me to ask ] ;B[qk] ;W[pm] ;B[oo] ;W[np] ;B[no]C[chee10 [9k\]: Time usage is pretty balanced today chee10 [9k\]: Black has 73 and white has 74 minutes left ] ;W[mp]C[chee10 [9k\]: Hey Celia10, come up and do some game recording ] ;B[mo] ;W[lp] ;B[pn]C[celia10 [8k?\]: she's on her way ] ;W[qn] ;B[on] ;W[ql] ;B[rm] ;W[rl] ;B[om] ;W[pl] ;B[rn] ;W[pj] ;B[pd] ;W[pc] ;B[qe] ;W[qi] ;B[qh] ;W[pi] ;B[qc] ;W[rd] ;B[qb] ;W[re] ;B[qf] ;W[rf] ;B[rg] ;W[nd]C[chee10 [9k\]: black has 55mins and white 65 mins left ] ;B[rc] ;W[pe] ;B[oe] ;W[pf] ;B[qg] ;W[nf] ;B[sd] ;W[of] ;B[sf] ;W[ne] ;B[pd] ;W[od] ;B[se] ;W[pd] ;B[ri] ;W[rj] ;B[si]C[chee10 [9k\]: black 45 mins and white 65 mins left ] ;W[hc] ;B[id] ;W[hd] ;B[he] ;W[hb] ;B[gb] ;W[ie]C[chee10 [9k\]: yiming keeps shaking his head chee10 [9k\]: alright, i am sleeply, somebody come up and exchage me ] ;B[je] ;W[if]C[chee10 [9k\]: hello? any one? ] ;B[gd] ;W[ha]C[chee10 [9k\]: hey qi? daniel? huang di? celia10 [8k?\]: qi chee10 [9k\]: somebody came up and exchange me ] ;B[ga] ;W[kb] ;B[oh] ;W[ph] ;B[pg] ;W[og] ;B[ni] ;W[nk] ;B[nj] ;W[mk]C[chee10 [9k\]: Time 26 black to 58 white ] ;B[li] ;W[lj] ;B[jb] ;W[ja] ;B[jf] ;W[ig]C[chee10 [9k\]: white plays like flying, very fast chee10 [9k\]: almost every move within 10 seconds ] ;B[jg] ;W[kd] ;B[kj] ;W[nh] ;B[jd]C[chee10 [9k\]: Time 21 to 56 ] ;W[ih] ;B[gf] ;W[ij] ;B[ji] ;W[gh] ;B[dg] ;W[kk] ;B[ii] ;W[hi] ;B[jk] ;W[jj] ;B[ki] ;W[hj] ;B[kc] ;W[lb] ;B[lc] ;W[nb]C[chee10 [9k\]: Time 17 vs 55 ] ;B[mh] ;W[oi] ;B[kl] ;W[lk] ;B[ld] ;W[lg] ;B[mg] ;W[le] ;B[lf] ;W[mf] ;B[kf]C[chee10 [9k\]: Time 16 vs 51 ] ;W[ef] ;B[eb] ;W[db] ;B[fg] ;W[eg] ;B[fh] ;W[eh] ;B[fi]C[chee10 [9k\]: Time 12 to 50 ] ;W[dj] ;B[il] ;W[fk] ;B[ek] ;W[fj]C[chee10 [9k\]: yiming goes into the last 10 minutes chee10 [9k\]: white has 48 left ] ;B[ej] ;W[ei] ;B[el] ;W[fl] ;B[fm] ;W[gm] ;B[fn] ;W[gn] ;B[go] ;W[em] ;B[dl] ;W[fo] ;B[en] ;W[ho] ;B[hk] ;W[gk] ;B[gc] ;W[ia] ;B[ff] ;W[ee] ;B[da] ;W[ca] ;B[ea] ;W[fe]C[chee10 [9k\]: Black has resigned ]))