(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]AP[CGoban:3]ST[2] RU[Chinese]SZ[19]KM[7.50]TM[5400] PW[Yin Yiming]PB[Hu Ruoxing (Rosen)]WR[3d]BR[5d]DT[2010-11-19]EV[Gainesville (UF) Go Club League]RO[Final, 1st Game of "Best of Three Series"]PC[UF Reitz Union Food Court]US[Qi Zhang]RE[B+Time] ;B[dp] ;W[pd] ;B[nc] ;W[dd] ;B[qf] ;W[pf] ;B[pg] ;W[of] ;B[qd] ;W[qe] ;B[re] ;W[pe] ;B[rg] ;W[og] ;B[ph] ;W[qc] ;B[rd] ;W[oc] ;B[pp] ;W[cn] ;B[fq] ;W[dj] ;B[ob] ;W[nd] ;B[mc] ;W[pb] ;B[jc] ;W[nq] ;B[pn] ;W[pr] ;B[qq] ;W[kq] ;B[gc] ;W[ec] ;B[iq] ;W[pl] ;B[qr] ;W[qi] ;B[oh] ;W[qh] ;B[qg] ;W[qm] ;B[qn] ;W[qk] ;B[cl] ;W[en] ;B[bp] ;W[co] ;B[cp] ;W[ck] ;B[dl] ;W[fm] ;B[fl] ;W[gp] ;B[gq] ;W[gl] ;B[fk] ;W[gm] ;B[gk] ;W[hk] ;B[hj] ;W[ij] ;B[ik] ;W[hl] ;B[gi] ;W[ii] ;B[dh] ;W[bl] ;B[bm] ;W[bj] ;B[al] ;W[bk] ;B[cm] ;W[cg] ;B[jk] ;W[jm] (;B[lp]) (;B[mp] ;W[mq] ;B[kp] ;W[jq] ;B[jp] ;W[ir] ;B[hq] ;W[kl] ;B[kk] ;W[lk] ;B[lj] ;W[mj] ;B[mk] ;W[ll] ;B[ki] ;W[nj] ;B[pj] ;W[hi] ;B[gj]C[eagle4422 [12k\]: there we go.. ] ;W[hg] ;B[gh] ;W[jg]C[celia10 [8k?\]: alright ] ;B[mi]C[eagle4422 [12k\]: .. ] ;W[nk] ;B[ni]C[eagle4422 [12k\]: WHAA!!! ] ;W[lh] ;B[li]C[eagle4422 [12k\]: MAN,,,,, eagle4422 [12k\]: not what i had in mind.. ] ;W[gg] ;B[bo] ;W[ep] ;B[eq] ;W[jj] ;B[kj]C[Kolguyev [10k\]: black has 65 min left and white has 20 min left of the time celia10 [8k?\]: too little time for white... ] ;W[mn] ;B[im] ;W[il] ;B[jl]C[eagle4422 [12k\]: hmm... maybe. ] ;W[jn] ;B[km] ;W[in] ;B[lp] ;W[oq] ;B[kn]C[eagle4422 [12k\]: dayum.... played him ] ;W[ko]C[eagle4422 [12k\]: Ruoxing dont play celia10 [8k?\]: what is dayum? ] ;B[lo] ;W[ln] ;B[jo] ;W[lm] ;B[ko] ;W[ho]C[eagle4422 [12k\]: it means damn but with more expression eagle4422 [12k\]: more like DAMN!!!! ] ;B[io] ;W[hn] ;B[nl]C[eagle4422 [12k\]: What's the time on Yiming?\\ Kolguyev [10k\]: 5 min eagle4422 [12k\]: wow, i wanted wiming to win.. eagle4422 [12k\]: yiming* ] ;W[ml] ;B[ok] ;W[ol] ;B[nm] ;W[oj] ;B[pi] ;W[nn] ;B[om] ;W[pk] ;B[qj] ;W[rn] ;B[ro] ;W[rl] ;B[sn] ;W[rm] ;B[rj] ;W[on] ;B[pm] ;W[oo] ;B[md] ;W[rc] ;B[fg] ;W[ff] ;B[gf] ;W[fe] ;B[eg] ;W[hd] ;B[hc] ;W[df] ;B[hh] ;W[ih] ;B[hf] ;W[ig]C[eagle4422 [12k\]: / ] ;B[ch] ;W[bh] ;B[bi] ;W[ci] ;B[id] ;W[mg] ;B[bg] ;W[ai] ;B[na]C[celia10 [8k?\]: it seems yiming running out of time... ] ;W[ne]C[celia10 [8k?\]: 35 secs left eagle4422 [12k\]: wow celia10 [8k?\]: shameful eagle4422 [12k\]: thats that ] ;B[cf] ;W[dg] ;B[de] ;W[ef] (;B[ce]) (;B[cd] ;W[cc]C[eagle4422 [12k\]: is the game over? ] (;B[ce] ;W[bf]) (;B[ed] ;W[dc]C[eagle4422 [12k\]: whats up with the udos? eagle4422 [12k\]: undo> Kolguyev [10k\]: games over eagle4422 [12k\]: thanks eagle4422 [12k\]: later guys. Kolguyev [10k\]: the last moves were played so quick that they will come soon eagle4422 [12k\]: and gals Kolguyev [10k\]: thanks for watching eagle4422 [12k\]: cool. ] ;B[fd]C[eagle4422 [12k\]: ? Kolguyev [10k\]: not yet Kolguyev [10k\]: few seconds celia10 [8k?\]: yiming still get 5 secs ] (;W[be]) (;W[bf] ;B[ce] ;W[eh] ;B[ee] ;W[di])))))