(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]AP[CGoban:3]ST[2] RU[Japanese]SZ[19]KM[6.50]TM[5400]OT[5x30 byo-yomi] DT[2010-10-31]PC[The KGS Go Server at http://www.gokgs.com/] (;B[pp] ;W[pd]) (;B[dd] ;W[pp] ;B[qd] ;W[cp]C[Kolguyev [11k\]: Yashen (black) - Yiming (white) ] ;B[ep] ;W[eq]C[Kolguyev [11k\]: Start: 2.47pm ] ;B[dp] ;W[dq] ;B[co] ;W[bp] ;B[fp] ;W[fq] ;B[dj] ;W[cn]C[chee10 [12k\]: Hi Dani ] ;B[dn] ;W[bo] ;B[do] ;W[cm] ;B[dl] ;W[dm] ;B[em] ;W[gp] ;B[go] ;W[ho] ;B[gn] ;W[hp] ;B[cl] ;W[el] ;B[fm] ;W[fc] ;B[hc]C[Kolguyev [11k\]: hi ] ;W[cc] ;B[cd] ;W[fb] ;B[ge] ;W[dc] ;B[ed]C[chee10 [12k\]: ? chee10 [12k\]: or you can go back one move, and make the new move chee10 [12k\]: year, just like this ] (;W[qg]C[chee10 [12k\]: is this the wrong sequence? Kolguyev [11k\]: slightly chee10 [12k\]: all right haha Kolguyev [11k\]: undo that move Kolguyev [11k\]: the mosepad clicked it' Kolguyev [11k\]: its two more down chee10 [12k\]: oh, this one? Kolguyev [11k\]: the last one', yes chee10 [12k\]: ok chee10 [12k\]: then you can undo chee10 [12k\]: I think ]) (;W[qj]C[chee10 [12k\]: good ] ;B[im] ;W[oc]C[Kolguyev [11k\]: btw, this is david. i wandered by and saw the go guys, so i sat down to watch ] ;B[ld]C[chee10 [12k\]: Hi David chee10 [12k\]: How's going? ] ;W[pe] ;B[qe] ;W[pf]C[Kolguyev [11k\]: well enough ] ;B[qg] ;W[qc] ;B[pd] ;W[od]C[chee10 [12k\]: Hey David, do you have an idea how long your battery will last? Kolguyev [11k\]: nope. it's reading 82% now chee10 [12k\]: all right ] ;B[pc] ;W[qf]C[chee10 [12k\]: if it goes low later, you can just turn the brightness down a little bit Kolguyev [11k\]: it's already at minimum i think ] ;B[rf] ;W[rg]C[chee10 [12k\]: ok ] ;B[re] ;W[pg] ;B[qh] ;W[rh] ;B[ph] ;W[oh] ;B[pi] ;W[qi] ;B[oi] ;W[nh] ;B[ok] ;W[nf] ;B[qk] ;W[pj] ;B[oj] ;W[pk]C[Kolguyev [11k\]: so is this like a tornament match or something? celia10 [?\]: yes, it's a tournament match ] ;B[pl] ;W[ql] ;B[pm] ;W[rk] ;B[ml] ;W[pb] ;B[qb] ;W[ob] ;B[rc]C[Kolguyev [11k\]: chee, you were asking about the battery; based on time and percentage depletion, i'd guess we have at least another two hours chee10 [12k\]: that is really good Kolguyev [11k\]: it's not my laptop, that gets an hour on it's best days now. ] ;W[qn] ;B[lf] ;W[lh] ;B[mg] ;W[mh] ;B[jg] ;W[kg] ;B[kf] ;W[jh] ;B[ih] ;W[ii] ;B[hh]C[celia10 [?\]: it's an exciting game... ] ;W[ji] ;B[mc] ;W[hb] ;B[ib] ;W[hi] ;B[gh] ;W[gi] ;B[fi] ;W[fj] ;B[ei] ;W[ic] ;B[gc] ;W[jb] ;B[gb] ;W[ia] ;B[ga] ;W[lb] ;B[mb] ;W[jf] ;B[jd] ;W[ig] ;B[id] ;W[bd] ;B[be] ;W[bc] ;B[gk] ;W[hd] ;B[gd] ;W[lc] ;B[kc] (;W[lj] ;B[mj]) (;W[kj]C[chee10 [12k\]: When do you need to leave ] ;B[lj] ;W[kk] ;B[lk] ;W[jl]C[Kolguyev [11k\]: Daniel here Kolguyev [11k\]: i have to leave very soon :( ] ;B[jm] ;W[il] ;B[kl]C[Kolguyev [11k\]: 10-15 min chee10 [12k\]: anybody can help you continue? Kolguyev [11k\]: i'll check ] ;W[mq] ;B[kp] ;W[hm] ;B[km]C[chee10 [12k\]: Hi Daniel chee10 [12k\]: Is Huang Di at the club? Kolguyev [11k\]: no he didn't come today Kolguyev [11k\]: i'll stay for some more time though chee10 [12k\]: I am sorry Kolguyev [11k\]: it's an exciting game chee10 [12k\]: but I really appreciate your help ] ;W[bl]C[Kolguyev [11k\]: i'll go to the grocery store tomorrow instead :) chee10 [12k\]: ..... chee10 [12k\]: are you going to publix? Kolguyev [11k\]: no walmart and then winndixie chee10 [12k\]: they are good ] ;B[bk]C[chee10 [12k\]: by the way, there is a chinese grocery store called chunqing, it has good and cheap vegetables. ] ;W[fh]C[Kolguyev [11k\]: alright Kolguyev [11k\]: i'll tell huang di about it chee10 [12k\]: haha Kolguyev [11k\]: he is good at cooking asian food ] ;B[fg]C[chee10 [12k\]: that's god chee10 [12k\]: good chee10 [12k\]: .... haha ] ;W[bm] ;B[ck] ;W[gl] ;B[fl] ;W[fk] ;B[qq] ;W[pq] ;B[pr] ;W[or] ;B[qp] ;W[qo] ;B[ro] ;W[qr] ;B[rm] ;W[qm] ;B[rr] (;W[qs]) (;W[ps] ;B[rn] ;W[rs] ;B[sq] ;W[rp] ;B[rq] ;W[sp]C[Kolguyev [11k\]: s4 was a pretty impressing move Kolguyev [11k\]: Yashen resigned chee10 [12k\]: ok chee10 [12k\]: good game chee10 [12k\]: good effort Daniel ])))))