(;GM[1]AP[StoneBase:SGFParser.3.0.1]SZ[19]HA[0]KM[6.5]EV[12th Nong Shin Cup]PB[Xie He]BR[7P]PW[Lee Sedol]WR[9P]RE[B+R]DT[2010-10-20]PC[Beijing]SO[http://weiqi.tom.com]C[Comment: Han Sang Hoon 5P Translate: Zhang Qi] ;B[pd]C[As the first board, Lee Sedol has already won two straight games in this 12th Nong Shin Cup.];W[dd];B[qp];W[dq];B[do];W[co];B[cn];W[cp];B[cf];W[fc];B[dn];W[fq];B[dj]C[The early game goes pretty fast. It is probably that both sides drew the big picture in their mind before the game.];W[op]LB[oq:A]C[Here, it is more common if white plays A, instead of 14. Historically, Xie He is leading 3:1 to Lee Sedol.];B[oo]LB[qq:A][no:B]C[This is the first sense of a pro player. If white plays A in the next move, black will become strong. If white wants to avoid that, he needs to "hani" at B. "Hani", in Chinese, Ban.];W[no]C[White hanies in order not to give black big "moyo". "Moyo", shape, future territory, in Chinese, Moyang. ];B[po];W[np];B[pq]C[Here, black may want to jump in the next move.];W[nm]C[Now, both sides have similar influence. This jump here is in good position. This is "my" favorate "fuseki" as white. "My": of Han Sang Hoon 5P "fuseki": game opening, BuJu in Chinese];B[pm]LB[pl:A]C[This is much more solid than 2-space-jump at A. Being solid is Xie He's style.];W[qf];B[qh];W[qc];B[qd];W[pc];B[od];W[rd];B[re];W[rc];B[qe];W[nc]C[It is too early to judge who is better now, but white is in good pace. Now the right side settles down, black should go somewhere else.];B[ef];W[bd]C[This move not only strengthens the corner, but also gets a lot of profit (territory). ];B[go]C[It is pretty calm now. Next move, white does not want to defend the lower side. Instead, he may want to invade the right side.];W[pi]C[The purpose is to prevent black to make huge territory on the right side.];B[qi]LB[ph:A][pj:B]C[Next move, see if A is a valid move. If not, white wants to go B, and the game will keep slient. If white plays A, a fight will going on.];W[of]C[White jump here, black wants to attack.];B[rf]C[Black was being soft and did not attack. ];W[pj]C[Correct move here. Next move, black should play some offensive move.];B[og]LB[mf:A][qj:B]TR[of][qf]C[The two white stones in triangle is pretty light. Next move, white will feel happy if he jumps to A. Contrastly, B is pretty small. Now white is getting profits if the triangle stones got connected.];W[mj]C[This is a good position.];B[be]C[This "kosmi" is the biggest move on the board. Briefly, black has 20 points on the left, 15 points at lower right, approximately leading by 8 points, slightly more than the 6.5 "komi". "Kosmi", Xiao Jian in Chinese. "Komi", Tie Mu in Chinese, means the points that black giving back to white as compensation for the first move.];W[qj]C[If black does not answer to this move, he will get in danger.];B[ng];W[nd]C[Now, white is moving solidly, it feels like white's rhythm is better. "I" would like to play as white at the current point. Next move, black may not want to answer to the upper right. The most important thing for black is to build his left side.];B[ne]C[Black answered? It is pretty surprising to "me". ];W[me];B[nf]C[Answered again? Too calm, "I" would definitely not answer here. Now, black is being very strong, white needs to consider connection. In the real game, those cutting points are the most brain consuming parts. Professional players usually think about a tons of variations, but they would never play them.];W[ph];B[pg]C[White made a "sente" exchange, not too bad... "Sente", Xian Shou in Chinese.];W[rm]C[This move aims to solve the connection problem as well as getting some territory. ];B[ok]C[Eventually, black played a strong offensive move.];W[ni]LB[ol:A]C[Why doesn't white cut here at A? "I" need to ask him after the game...];B[nr];W[ro]C[If both sides settle down in this case, I think white is profitting.];B[mq]C[ Xie He (black) is being so patient. Now white had some gains in territory, he just needs to defend the center in the next move.];W[or]C[Lee Sedol shows his knife, very sharp!];B[pr]C[Here, white does not even think about making up weak points.];W[jp];B[mk]C[Strong move, making the previous white move not so good. ];W[pl]C[It feels like black should cut earlier. Now white is basically having eye space on the right. ];B[om]C[What will white do? ];W[ol];B[nl]C[White is also making life cautiously. ];W[mm];B[lk]LB[jm:A]C[Next move, it feels slow if white answers to the right. Now the first win-lose point appears. White may want to play A, in order to connect and access the center. ];W[oq];B[os];W[kl]C[White is being more offensive than I think. ];B[kk];W[jl];B[ql];W[pk];B[qm]C[White just connect here, instead of looking for "tesuji". "Tesuji", Shou Jin in Chinese, brilliant local move.];W[rh]C[Lee Sedol (white) played a tesuji immediately. ];B[rk]C[Correct move. ];W[qg];B[pf]C[This exchange is not bad for white. In view of territory, black got some profit here.];W[ki]C[It is hard to say who is better here, it will be a close game. ];B[jk];W[ik]LB[jj:A]C[Now white attack first, keep pressure on both sides of black. It seems that black can only come out as an empty triangle at A. ];B[jj]C[Looks awful... ];W[il];B[ji]C[White still needs to connect. However, if white connects in sente and then take the two stone on the right, he will be slightly better than black.];W[kh];B[mh];W[mi]C[It should be the time for white to take the two stones. ];B[rg]C[But black did. Now, the center will become a big problem.];W[rj]C[Overall, is it a better situation for white now?];B[ri]C[Objectively, it looks like a very close game. But "I" feel white is a little bit better. In the cases like this, pro players have different points of views.];W[hi];B[ih];W[kf]C[If white can surround the upper side, he will have enough territory. Of course, it is hard to deal with it.];B[hh];W[fi];B[ie]C[It looks like white should have defended the upper side. Now, white's connection is not good, the game becomes harder for white.];W[if]C[If white cannot surround the upper side, his territory will be not enough. White is preparing to cut.];B[hf];W[je];B[he]C[This is the correct move.];W[ic];B[hc];W[hb]C[White should have surrounded the upper side several moves ago.];B[oc];W[ob]C[White's "arji" is very bad here. "Arji", taste, Weidao in Chinese, means there are many potential danger for white here.];B[fk];W[di];B[ci];W[ej]C[It can be a "Ko". It still looks balanced on territories for both sides, if white can surround the upper side. "Ko", Jie, or Jie Zheng in Chinese.];B[ek];W[cj];B[dk];W[ch]C[There will be a Ko for white.];B[bi];W[bh];B[bj];W[gj]C[The white's moves at the left side won't be big loss even they are eventually dead. It is a problem to deal with those stones.];B[gh]C[It is questionable if this is a sente here. ];W[ce]C[Good move. ];B[bf];W[pp]C[Both players starts count down time. This move is just for timing purposes. "Nong Shin" Cup time setting: 1 hour main time plus three 30 seconds "byo-yomi" time. "Byo-yomi", count down time.];B[qo];W[qq];B[qr];W[rq]C[Sente. ];B[rp]C[For timing purposes. ];W[lr]C[It is pretty big on the left side, but if white can surround the lower side, his territory will still be enough.];B[lq];W[kq]C[Now, black has about 27 points on the right, another 26 or 27 points if he takes the two stones on the left. Therefore, black will have about 53 or 54 points on the board.];B[lp]C[There is 30 points at the upper side for white, another 15 points at lower left corner. If white can defend the upper left corner, there will be 40+ points on the upper side. That is to say, white will have enough territory. Note, the komi is 6.5 points in the Nong Shin Cup.];W[lo];B[kr];W[rr];B[rs]TR[kr]C[It turns out that the triangle black stone is the win-lose move.];W[fh]C[White is better than black, now.];B[ed];W[ec];B[fg];W[dg];B[df];W[kp]TR[kr]C[White does not dare to block. If the black triangle extends at the next move, it feels like white did not get any profit at the lower side. ];B[jr];W[fd];B[eh]C[The previous white move aims to solidify the upper left corner. Now there is about 38 points for white at the upper side.];W[ei]C[Currently, it is not vaild for black to cut the white center. However, there are sente moves everywhere at the lower side.];B[eg]C[The game will be settled down by the actions here.];W[dh];B[nb];W[mb];B[id];W[jc];B[jd];W[kd];B[ad];W[bc];B[jg];W[kg];B[jf];W[ke]C[It is not hard to estimate the scores now. White's upper side is about the same as black's right side. Black's left side is also similar to the lower left corner of white. And if both sides make life in the center, it will also equals out. White may win within the komi, if this is the case.];B[ll]C[Here is the problem. If white deals with here successfully, he will win. However, white is not able to block here at this point.];W[cl];B[ck];W[jh];B[hj];W[gk]C[...... White will be very hard if black keep trying to kill.];B[gi];W[fj];B[lm];W[kn];B[km];W[fm]C[...... White is still dying......];B[in];W[fo]C[Too hard for white now...];B[gn];W[fn];B[gm];W[gl];B[jm];W[bl]C[Lee Sedol, plays too hasty at the lower side...];B[dl];W[bn]C[If black live here, white will never connect..., and therefore settles the game down...];B[fl];W[bk]C[Xie He keeps his role as Lee Sedol's strong opponent...];B[ah];W[ag]C[Lee Sedol must feel very unhappy about this game. He suddenly lost a good game...];B[ai];W[dm];B[em]C[White resigns. Summary: In the early game, white played good reduction move at 38, 40, 42. White is feeling happy at fuseki. However, white chose a wrong direction at 90, which he should have defend his upper side. With the invasion of black, the game became more complicated. White still kept slight advantages in territory until he played 128, which was turned out greedy and not successful. Black played 143 to got large profit and weaken the white center. At this time, black had finally caught up. To 161, white can no longer do anything. This is the end of "my" comment. Thank you! Good bye! Translated by Zhang Qi, 20-Oct-2010.])