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Aerosols in the Health Care Field


:: Section 6

What hazards are associated with aerosol drug therapy?

The primary hazard of aerosol drug therapy is an adverse reaction to the medication being administered. Other hazards include infection, airway reactivity, systemic effects of bland aerosols, and drug concentration.

  • Infection

    • Aerosol generators can contribute to nosocomial infections by spreading bacteria by the airborne route. The most common sources of bacteria are contaminated solutions (i.e., multiple-dose drug vials), caregivers’s hands, and the patient’s own secretions. Offending organisms are primarily gram-negative bacilli, particularly Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Legionella pneumophila (the cause of the highly virulent legionnaires’ disease)
  • Airway reactivity

    • Cold and high-density aerosols can cause reactive bronchospasm and increased airway resistance, especially in patients with preexisting respiratory disease. Medications such as acetylcystine, antibiotics, steroids, cromolyn sodium, ribavirin, and distilled water have been associated with increased airway resistance and wheezing during aerosol therapy.  

  • Pulmonary and systemic effects

    • Pulmonary and systemic effects are associated with the site of delivery and the drug being administered. However, even bland aerosols present risk. Excess water can cause overhydration, and excess saline solution can cause hypernatremia. Animal data indicate that long-term, continuous administration can cause tissue damage, atelectasis, and pulmonary edema.  

  • Drug reconcentration

    • During the evaporation, heating, baffling, and recycling of drug solutions undergoing jet or ultrasonic nebulization, solute concentration may increase. This process can expose the patient to increasingly higher concentration of the drug over the course of therapy. The result is that a relatively large amount of drug remains in the nebulizer at the end of therapy. This increase in concentration usually is time dependent, the greatest effect occurring when medications are nebulized over extended periods, as in continuous aerosol drug delivery.