Vanessa Meister

In an elementary classroom, teachers are responsible not only for teaching the assigned curriculum, but also for demonstrating character traits and beliefs necessary for the students to succeed outside of the classroom. I believe that children learn best when taught by example; children must be shown respect if expected to show respect to the teacher.  The teacher should always portray proper morals and behaviors in order for the child to learn appropriate behavior.  
I also believe that every child has the ability to learn.  Some children may learn at a slower pace than others, but with special attention and assistance, these children can learn the same material.  As a teacher, one must exhibit undying patience with slow learners and continuous encouragement in order to keep the student from becoming frustrated or giving up.  
Next to parents, teachers are most responsible for influencing a child's life.  I believe that it is of the utmost importance that teachers strive be a positive influence on their students' lives and to accept nothing but excellence from each student