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Instructional Material Reports


Media Description



Call Number


Type of Material

X Video    'Pamphlet   'Data sheet   'Article   'Audio tape

'Model   'Statistics    'Book           'Poster    'Other:______


Healthy Women Healthy Families Planning For Your Pregnancy


University of California Regents


March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation

Year of Publication


Target Audience

Preconception Women

Suggested Setting

For home information

Length/Size (minute/page)

15 minutes 19 seconds

Information on the Web (if applicable)


Downloadable at


Order Information

Baby & You Video Series: Preconception planning video

March of Dimes Fulfillment Center: (800) 367-6630

Outside of the U.S.: (770) 280-4115

Cost (USD)


Information updated



Valerie Prince




The most important thing that a mother to be can do to protect her child is to protect herself.  A healthy lifestyle is the most effective prevention tool a preconception woman has to improve her baby’s health.  Proper nutrition and exercise are important factors to maintaining quality of life for mother ad baby.  New mothers need encouragement and proper information to make the best decisions possible regarding her prenatal health.  Reliable and known sources are more trusted by expectant mothers and the March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation is a dedicated not-for-profit organization that seeks to improve the health of babies by preventing birth defects, premature birth, and infant mortality.  The spokeswomen interviewed in the video are a registered nurse and a registered dietitian who both specialize in mother and baby health.  These are trusted sources that mothers can rely on for accurate and up to date information and tips.  This video is a $39.95 investment for the healthy future of a family. 

Critical Comments



Potential audience. This video is intended to promote a healthy lifestyle for women planning on becoming pregnant or women that are pregnant already. 

Quality. This video is a great introduction for planning a healthy family.  It is a good resource to help women understand how their health will affect the health of their unborn child. 

Content. The Healthy Family video includes accurate and up to date nutrition information that is specific for pregnant or preconception women.  This information is vital for family planning and can improve quality of life for the baby and mother. 

Known. This video is available online and through the March of Dimes company. 

Interests. The video is only interesting to people concerned with preconception health and health during pregnancy. 

Purpose. This program, can educate mothers to be about genetic risk factor, avoidable problems, nutrition, and exercise information that is helpful for women. 

Approach.  The demeanor in this video are very appropriate and it gives an encouraging voice for mothers who may want to consider their health in regards to their baby’s future well being.  I think that the all female cast and the unthreatening voices were particularly influential for the intended audience.

Reliability. This video uses reliable and trustworthy women all with higher degrees.  All the women in the video have higher degrees and are registered nurses and dieticians who specifically work with infants or pregnant women.

Visual Elements. The visual elements were effective and did target expecting mothers.  The colors used were all color people generally use in a newborns room.  The pictures of small babies, sick babies, and healthy children were good additions.  The women speaking were also sitting down next to books in a rocking chair or next to babies.


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Last Updated: November 21, 2005

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