With tenderness and longing, the
alluring invitation ìrise up, my loveî draws the listener with gentle arching
melodies. They impart the desire of Solomon to enjoy the pleasures of spring
with the object of his affection. The text is personal and intimate in
wording and style. Beaming with delight at ìthe voice of the doveî and
ìtender vines,î this refreshing work expresses, through cultivated phrasing
and dynamic shading, the fresh and hopeful desires of a loverís heart.
The intense and yet restrained ìOh my doveî is followed by ìin the secret
places of the stairs, let me see your countenance and hear your voice.î
A moving, image-laden ìbe a hart on the mountainî leads to a climactic
ìRise up, my fair one.î Mr. Nelly uses text painting to enhance the aesthetic
experience and beauty of Rise Up, My Love.
Program notes by Marilyn Ward.
Rise up, my love, my fair one, and
come away.
For the winter is past, the rain
is over and gone.
The flowers appear on the earth,
the time for the singing
is come,
and the voice of the dove
is heard in our land.
And the fig tree putteth forth
her green figs,
and the vines with the tender grape
give good pleasure.
Oh my dove, in the cleft of the
in the secret places of the stairs,
let me see your countenance and
hear your voice,
for sweet is your voice.
Until the day break, and the shadows
flee away,
my love, be like a young hart on
the mountain.