Debbie Burns' Chinese Horoscopes

I thought the information in the book was very interesting. In general, I do not put much faith in horoscopes whether they are Western or Chinese. I was able to find some guidelines to use for the project though.

For one thing learning about the different personality types of each horoscope allowed to me understand the best ways to reach these types of people. Whether the horoscopes hold true based on when you were born or not I do feel that they each represent an actual personality type. The fact that each of these personality types viewed the world a little different made me realize that I needed to communicate the message of my public policy in different ways to reach the different types of people. One way I accomplished this was by using some humor when describing the problem of global warming.

Another thing I took into account from Chinese Horoscopes was the discussion of Feng Shui. This is the idea that people can be affected either positively or negatively by their surroundings. I used this on my public policy pages by making the pages about global warming have a dark grey background with ominous images while making the pages detailing the renewable energy sources a colorful green with bright images.

My Chinese Horoscope