Student name: Amanda DeMattio
Source of illustration: EEX 4790
Professor: Vivian I. Correa, Ph.D.
Semester completed in program: Spring 2003
Acceptable grade received on assignment: Yes
Group assignment/Individual assignment: Group Assignment

Accomplished practice: 5 - Diversity

Description of Assignment: This paper is designed to help you understand your own cultural background and the practices of a group unfamiliar to you in order to increase your cultural competence.  This examination of child rearing practices should avoid stereotyping, be clear and informative, detailed, and accurate.

Rationale (Why you chose to use this as an illustration and how it is an example of the Accomplished Practice): I chose this assignment because it compares and contrasts two different cultures' child rearing practices.

Pseudonyms have been used to protect the privacy of the participant

Comparison of American and Korean Child Rearing Practices

Florida Accomplished Practices