Haitian Art
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Haitian Art

I want to thank you all for visiting my page about Haitian Art.
I hope that all the paintings and information displayed on the site will assess you
in nourrishing your knowledge of the Haitian Culture, particularly in Art.

Haiti occupies the Western third of the island named Hispaniola
("Little Spain") by Christopher Columbus, who landed there on his
first voyage in 1492. In 1697, the French acquired the Western thrid
of the isanld of Hispaniola, and for the next century African labor
made it the most prosperous colony in all the world. Many people believe
that Haitian Art has been inherited from the African Culture but it has
been customized. Artistic activity has always held a place in Haitian history.
Most of the early artists portrayed on their work what they saw, felt, and
believed and express it with high intensity of passion, emotion and a childlike
innocence. Those artists inspired many generations of painters who contributed
to enlarge the Haitian Art repertoir.

These paintings are representation of the types of Haitian paintings.
Ranging from Nature, Beauty, Voodoo, to Peasant Life, they are all rich in color.

The paintings displayed on the site are used to illustrate the artistic aspect of the Haitian Culture
and also for the purpose of the assignment. However, I do have a wide collection of paintings and art crafts
at home that I'm selling. I felt that it wasn't appropriate to put the prices on this website. Anyone interested
in seeing or buying any of the paintings can contact me.