Electronic Counselor Portfolios

Why Use a Portfolio?

A portfolio:
What is a portfolio?

Why an electronic portfolio?

What does it look like?

There are many models and ideas about what a portfolio should enclude. Some examples are:

Boes, S. R., VanZile-Tamsen, C., & Jackson, C. M. (2001). Portfolio development for 21st century school counselors. Professional School Counseling, 4, 229-231.

Indiana University at South Bend model

Rhyne-Winkler, M. C., &Wooten, H. R. (1996). The school counselor portfolio: Professional development and accountability. School Counselor, 44(2), 146-151.

State University of New York model

To begin a tour and see different types of portfolios that have been made, click the navigation links on the left hand side, beginning with "Sample 1" and progressing downwards. Feel free to explore the portfolios that are presented, and take notice of what you like as well as what you think needs improvement. Many of the portfolios here were taken from the University of Georgia's School Counseling program web site. Electronic portfolios have certainly been used successfully by graduates of mental health and marriage & family programs; they are simply more difficult to locate on the Web.