FOR3342C - Tree Biology

Lecture Handouts

All handouts are in Adobe Acrobat (pdf) format. You must have a copy of the Acrobat Reader software to read or print these files. You can download the software for free here.

NOTE: All handouts are password protected.  Contact Dr. Martin for the password.


Lecture 1 - Tree Structure

Lecture 2 - Primary and Secondary Growth

Lecture 3 - Photosynthesis

Lecture 4 - Respiration

Lecture 4B - Carbon Balance

Lecture 5 - Carbohydrates

Lecture 6 - Water Relations I - water potentil; uptake, transport, and storage of water

Lecture 7 - Water Relations II - Control of transpiration, tree and stand water balance

Lecture 8 - Water Relations III - Water stress and xylem cavitation

Lecture 9 - Mineral nutrition

Lecture 10 - Reproductive biology

Lecture 11 - Genetics and genetic improvement of forest trees

Lecture 12 - Radiation effects on tree morphology and physiology

Lecture 13 - Energy balance