Medieval Times

Lesson: Interactive Technology Lesson

Universal Design Model

Grade Level: 3, 4, 5

Introduction to Medieval Times

Background Information

Team Members Team:
  • Queen 
  • Knight 
  • Princess 
  • Castle Keeper
Your Task

Complete the following activities to learn about Medieval Times.

Process: Using cooperative learning, work together to complete selected activities in unit.
 Research  Golden Book Encyclopedia (CD ROM)

Activity 1

Read and Answer Questions

Using Golden Book Encyclopedia read these articles and answers the questions in your electronic notebook. Print your work.
  • Middle Ages
1.When and Where did the Middle Ages begin?

2. About how long did this period last?

3. Why is it called the middle ages?

  • Knighthood
1. Who can become a knight?

2. What are the steps to becoming a Knight?

3. What did Knights do?

  • King Arthur
1. Who was King Arthur?

2. When and where did King Arthur live?

3. What did the King do that was important to the history of the Middle Ages?

  • Castles Keeper
1. What were thee a first castle like?

2. What were some of the ways people defended castles against enemies?

3. Why were castles not very comfortable?

Activity 2

Dictionary Usage

Using a Dictionary to define the words listed.
  • Middle ages Crusades 
  • Knight Feudalism 
  • Castle Squire 
  • Lord Holy Land 
  • Peasants famine

Search for It!
Searching the Internet

Investigate the following web sites. Write a paragraph about what you have discovered or learned about the Middle Ages.



Primary and Secondary Sources
Activity 3 Hoggetowne Medieval Faire 2002

Real World Event
Activity 4 The Middle Ages  
Activity 5 Castles intro Great


Activity 6 Castles



This Date in Medieval History

Activity 7 How a Boy Becomes A Knight

Medieval Coat of Arms

Medieval Atlas

Medieval Clipart

Activity 8 Kid's Castles



Student Activities
Do It! Things to Make and Do
Activity 9 Send an Email Message to the Queen inviting her to a feast using Pegasus Mail.  
Activity 10 Make a Medieval Town Display  
Activity 11 Using Children's Writing and Publishing Center

Write a story, poem, song, about a Medieval Child's day at the king's court

Activity 12 Make a poster announcing a tour offered of a medieval town  
Activity 13
  • Create an Electronic Portfolio of Your Work
PowerPoint Presentation, Paintings, Poetry, Story, Books used. Castle Model, Costumes, Report, Poster, Play, About the Author
Activity 14 Use the Digital Camera to Create a Medieval Style Magazine  
Activity 15 Share your Final Project with the Class

Video Tape your Presentation

Activity 16 Create a timeline of the Middle Ages using information from Compton's Multimedia Encyclopedia.
Activity 17 Use Excel to make a graph.  
Activity 18 Use the CD ROM on Medieval Times to learn more. Exp. Castle Makerof Logic Quest  
Activity 19 Use the ENCARTACD ROM on Medievel Times to learn more.
Activity 20 Use the DK DiscoveryCD ROM on Medieval Times to learn more.
Roles of Students
Evaluation of Web site
Researching the Web
Individual Report
  • Fast Forward Castle, Barron's Educational Series, 2001 
  • Weisberg, Barbara. (1993) The Big Golden Book of Knights and Castles.Wester Publishing Company, Wisconsin. 
  • Howarth, Sarah. (1993). The Middle Ages. Viking Press\, New York.
Overall Evaluation

Teacher Pages
Lesson Title: Medieval Times  
  Grade Levels: 3, 4, 5  
  Subjects Covered:

Middle Ages, Medieval Times

  Sunshine State Standards (SSS):  
  Language Arts:

Expository Writing

  Social Studies  
  National Educational Technology Standards (NETS):  
  Description of Lesson:  