Deatra W. Spratling                  September 27, 2001         Assignment           EME 5403
Evaluation Criteria
Beck's     Evaluation 

Investigating the Water Cycle

United States Environmental Protection Agency
 Web site:

Curriculum: Earth Science: Processes that Shape the Earth
Grade levels: 3-5
Standard 1: The student recognizes that processes in the lithosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere, and biosphere interact to shape the Earth. 

Accuracy This web site is sponsored by the United States Environmental Protection Agency: Office of Water. This site has accurate information on the water cycle and how it affects our ground and drinking water. The topics and graphic depiction of the water cycle correlate with the pictures used in most science books. The information is error free and checked by the scientist involved in this project. The information is constantly updated to reflect the world's changing environment and the latest advancements in science. This web site list its administrator. There is a comment/question link and a search database.
Authority This site is sponsored, developed and maintained  by researchers funded by the Environmental Protection Agency a  United States government organization.  This agency has some of the best researchers and experts in the country. There are links to other agencies that offer additional information on the water cycle. To be included in this sight, the information must be current and reputable. The URL: indicates a government agency (gov).
Objectivity The objective of this site is to provide accurate information about the water cycle and it's relationship to ground and drinking water. Additional topics include Games online, Activities, Kid's Health, Classroom activities and experiments. It also offers information in Spanish. 
Currency This site is very current. Information and activities are updated frequently. This web site was last updated, September 7, 2001. Links are current and located at the listed URL. This site is connected to which is updated daily.
Coverage This web site offers information about the water cycle and it's relationship to our supply of ground and drinking water. It explains the water management cycle in both scientific and mathematical terms. Curriculum links include social studies and language arts. The information is written for children on the elementary level. The site includes diagrams, charts, water cycle simulations, fact sheets, reference materials and terms.
     United States Environmental Protection Agency. (2001)

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Last updated: 9/26/2001  11:30 AM