Media Description



Video clip on ways to prevent osteoporosis

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Type of Material

RVideo    'Pamphlet   'Data sheet   'Article   'Audio tape

'Model   'Statistics    'Book           'Poster    'Other:______


Exercise for Bone Healthology





Year of Publication


Target Audience


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Length/Size (minute/page)

5 minutes and 17 seconds

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This video clip was approximately 5 minutes long and it was a short interview with Dr. Rackoff in regards to preventing osteoporosis. It was very difficult to determine one target audience. Dr. Rackoff spoke about different ways to increase bone density in individuals because osteoporosis is the loss of bone density. Some of the techniques suggested were doing some weight bearing exercises. She also suggested doing cross-training exercises as well as balance exercises. The main point that she was trying to convey was that the more you use your bones, the greater density the bones will have. Dr. Rackoff mentioned that if osteoporosis runs in a person’s family, then that person should be more aware of his or her need to exercise regularly to increase bone density. One of the last point that Dr. Rackoff mentioned was that young girls should not exercise too much because they can eventually lose their menstrual cycle and this will in turn prevent that girl’s bones to peak at it’s density level.  



Critical Comments



I wanted to analyze the depth of this video clip. The question that has to be answered regarding depth is whether or not the length and extent of information is appropriate for the intended audience. The extent of information and the length of time that the information was presented were extremely appropriate. Dr. Rackoff went over so much information in such a short time. This is extremely important because if she were to talk about every little issue regarding osteoporosis than the clip would be long and very dull. Dr. Rackoff got right to the point. She addressed each question that was asked of her, explained why she answered each question the way she answered did. The fact the clip was 5 minutes was good because it was not targeting people who had osteoporosis already; it was targeting people who are prone to getting osteoporosis. The intended audience will listen because it is only 5 minutes long, but if it were 40 minutes long, the intended audience would not care enough to watch.