my name is brian moody.

i am an artist.


i am a jeweler, a sculptor, a printmaker,and a ceramicist.

the purpose of my website is to expose the masses to my artwork; in particular, my jewelry. i work in bronze, sterling, gold, and other mixed media.

my designs are derrived from my love of tinkering and of the use of found objects.

the materials i use are varied. i love metals and stones mixed with found objects, plastics, textiles, and anything else that suits my fancy. i am fond of using items that are dear to me in my work. often i will use stones either cut by or acquired by my father, who was a lapidary (stone cutter) my whole life growing up. now that he is older, i feel the need to incorporate materials connected to him in order to establish an open "spiritual" link between my father, my work, and myself.

i also enjoy interjecting a bit of a sense of humor in my work. if you find yourself giggling at something i've included into a piece, i'm probably laughing along with you.

this site is dedicated to the purpose of displaying my jewelry online. i hope you enjoy this simple site, and maybe some of my work, too...

if at any time, or for any reason, you feel like emailing me with comments, questions, or related jabber, feel free to click on the email me... link at the bottom of each page.



browse and enjoy..




email me...