DISCLAIMER: It turns out that I'm not so handy at working with photo manipulation programs, so I apologize in advance for the sub-par quality and banal humor. I tried to make up for it with an additional comic and description.

Don John: Professional Scowler

Entertain Me!
This comic was supposed to be a representation about how actors adapt their personality, facial expressions, et cetera, which influences the audiences' perception of the character. What I was trying to demonstrate was that by continually showing a scowl and look of disdain, Keanu Reeves was able to come off as the villain. I was literally making fun of the frowny faces that he consistently showed, which made him an obvious outlier in terms of the cast as being somewhat diabolical.

The Most Forgiving Hero

Show Me the Money!
This is an oversimplistic version of my original vision for this project. The comic shows a small conversation between a presumed Hero and Beatrice. This particular comic is poking fun at the seemingly obvious fact that Hero took Claudio back with no hesitation, as if it was her fault that she was framed. This is most likely due to the difference between Elizabethan feminist rights and modern womens rights, however I find it hard to believe that any woman would be so easily forgiving for something so seemingly devastating. One large question this raises is what went on between Hero and Claudio unbeknownst to the audience, this lack of detail could be viewed just as important as if it was stated in the script.